Dear Tampa Bay:
It is with deep regret that I inform you of my decision to resign as a fan of the Bucs. Though I have been a fan since I was in elementary school, I can no longer be associated with this franchise. I have already wrapped my swag in plastic bags and placed it all into the deepest, darkest recesses of my attic where it will spend the rest of my life boiling in the summer and freezing in the winter. The camoflague Bucs hat that I have grown so fond of feels like a torture contraption on my head these days and has been deposited into this weeks trash to be collected in the morning by the city sanitation engineers and taken to the local dump. My memories of attending Bucs games will be erased through heavy applications of alcohol and pizza bites. It is my sincere hope that you turn this team around one day so that whichever team I decide to become a fan of actually has a worthy opponent in the years to come, but I doubt that will happen.
Shamed Ex Bucs Fan