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It's been a while since I got to enjoy the old FU TD...


Did i hear on the radio this am that Jason Campbell is a starting QB in the NFL again?

Was Quincy Carter or Doug Johnson unavailable?

^ don't teams usually try to bring Vinny Testaverde out of retirement for situations like that? LOL

^ i thought the bears were alone in not giving the back up QB much of time with the first string Oline. Looks like GB is the same way.

3 way tie for first...

I guess we now know how it feels to lose a starting QB.

It only hurts if your team is a contender. Doubly so if it happens in the first quarter of week 1. For those who haven't been there it's like someone shoving a rabid ferret in your shorts and then tossing you into a pit full of diarrhea.

This season has been more of an accumulation of injuries for NE. You could live without one or two of them being on IR, but they are without Wilfork, Mayo, Kelly, Vollmer all done for the year. And significant missed time for Amendola, Gronk, Talib, and Vereen. It just all adds up. Hw they are 7-2 is mind boggling.

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