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even though I grew up in NY and now live in ND
If I didn't know you were a Mets fan I'd probably call you a bandwagon Pats fan. ;)

We got an affiliate out of Hartford and they were a decent team with Bledsoe, Parcells, etc. Much better than being stuck with the Jets and Giants.

As for the Mets, I was from a mixed marriage. My dad was a Yankee fan, my mom roots for anyone that beats the Dodgers.

Just looked at what games I'll get this weekend. We do get Denver-SD, but the other games on here, including the primetime ones, suck.
Geez, don't you have the internet tubes hooked up yet? Then you could get any game you want.

This is the first time in 5 years that the Panthers are playing a game that matters at this stage in the season. I just hope they don't lay an egg this weekend. If we can come out of the 2 game span against the 49ers and the Pats 1-1 then we should have a pretty good shot at the playoffs.

Well, I'm done in my survivor pool. Stupid Jacksonville actually winning a game...
