NFL Football 2011

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At no point did I differentiate between QB, RB, WR, or even lineman. My point is entirely based on the blatent "non-tackle" hit. He was going for a tackle, but instead decided to lower his head and ram the guy with his helmet. If he had put in the same force but instead shifted his head to the side and put his shoulderpad into McCoys' chest/stomach while wrapping his arms around him, I would be offering congrats on a solid hit.
Just getting in on this...because I just now watched the video...Harrison definitely lowered his head. If he doesn't hurt someone else he's going to hurt himself...very dangerous hit. It's the first thing they teach in pee wee football...don't lower your head.

It all about the risk numbers the teams and league play. The more they can sissify the game, the lower medical costs and insurance costs will be (hypothetically) in the long run.

SO I was wrong. He didn't just get a bullshit fine, he got a bullshit suspension.

In a bold and unprecedented move by the NFL, Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker James Harrison has been suspended for one game. The suspension stems from this helmet-to-helmet hit on Cleveland Browns quarterback Colt McCoy, as well as James Harrison's long history of illegal hits preceding that one. He's been fined six times over the last two years by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell for hits ruled illegal or unnecessary, for a total of $125,000.


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Sorry DV, but I agree with the suspension. The hit was unnecessary and Harrison showed no sign of even attempting to avoid a violent collision long after the ball was out of McCoy's hands.

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From the videos I have seen, the ball was out of the QB's hand and the defender just lowered his helmet and charged. He saw when McCoy released the ball and just kept going.

He deserved that one DV. Sorry.

Now, the call on the Tom Brady play, that was a bad call. The guy was never close to hit Brady on the head, unless TB's head includes everything from the waist up.

From the videos I have seen, the ball was out of the QB's hand and the defender just lowered his helmet and charged. He saw when McCoy released the ball and just kept going.

He deserved that one DV. Sorry.

Now, the call on the Tom Brady play, that was a bad call. The guy was never close to hit Brady on the head, unless TB's head includes everything from the waist up.
I agree 100%

go ahead. Support the Pu$$ification of the greatest sport.

Soon, we can get rid of soccer, since we won't need it. Football can take its place.

I guess James Harrison just got his RED CARD.

lol, DV can you at least admit that you may be a little biased on the situation, being that you are a Steelers fan?

As an impartial observer I would have called that a late and malicious hit on any player.

ngnrd - PE said:
....The fine and suspension are based solely on Harrison's reputation.
Agreed... I feel it's based more on his rep that anything. Replace the QB for any other (or a RB or WR) and make it anyone besides Harrison, and there would not be a fine/suspension, a flag yes...

Damn straight he should have been suspended. He did something he had been repeatedly told not to do (and consequently fined for doing). The fines haven't deterred him from doing it, the penalties haven't deterred him, perhaps having a lockerroom pissed at him for being suspended will.

I may be looking at the wrong video. The one that was posted shows how Harrison hits McCoy after he released the ball. When McCoy finishes his throwing move Harrison lowers his head and Boooooom...

While I understand the frustration also understand that it was an intentional helmet to helmet hit. Even the commentator admits it. Harrison should know better than that and not put his team in that position. It is not his first offense so I guess he cannot help himself.

ngnrd - PE said:
C'mon now, DK. Neither you nor the commentators have any idea what Harrison's intentions were, only what his reputation is. And, can you honestly say that, after having already committed to the tackle, you could have pulled off in time to avoid the collision? We're talking fractions of a second here, maybe up to a full second, from the time McCoy pulls up to throw to the time Harrison hits him.

And I still say that Harrison did exactly what he gets paid to do. The fact that the runner he tackled decided to throw the ball just before he got hit shouldn't draw a fine, and certainly not a suspension.
I did not know. But it looks like you did. Sorry then. I am not a good mind reader as you are.

Harrison hit McCoy shortly less than a second after he released the ball. But he saw the throwing motion before. He did not lower his head until after McCoy released the ball.

We can argue about this forever. I saw what I saw and even when we are looking at the same thing you are seeing it differently. Human nature. It does not matter. What the NFL saw is what matters here. I think they are right but can be wrong. Harrison is the only one that can answer that. Do you think he would admit if he did it on purpose?

^^ My point is trying to take that one further.

I'm saying that by Harrison knocking the piss out of McCoy, will make McCoy pitch the ball quicker next time, maybe before the play develops, which is a bigger victory for the defense. (see my statement above).

same scenario with receivers going across the middle. They used to be scared to do it, which took the middle of the field away, helping the defense (see my statement above).

hits on QB's used to have them afraid to stay in the pocket waiting for the receivers route to develop, that would help a defense (see my statement above)

I remember when announcers used to brag about the QB's that had the testicular fortitude to hang in the pocket, until the last second, take a lickin' but complete the pass. Now they are protected and don't nearly as much about it.

Gotta get those Fantasy football points racked up.

and RW, I am a STEELERS fan, maybe that's why I'm a DEFENSE fan. So I am biased. But I say the same thing about any player from any team in that situation.

Big Ben got hit in the head in the same game, but no flag. (I'm not bitchin', and am glad they didn't make a pansy ass call on it)

Big Ben got hit in the head in the same game, but no flag. (I'm not bitchin', and am glad they didn't make a pansy ass call on it)
It takes more than a big hit in the head to stop Big Ben. C'mmon man...The guy plays with a broken nose and an almost broken ankle. A hit in the head is just a scratch. :p

We can argue about this forever. I saw what I saw and even when we are looking at the same thing you are seeing it differently. Human nature. It does not matter. What the NFL saw is what matters here.
DK, My point is, I know the NFL saw a penalty and a violation of their rules, I can understand how they saw it that way, I can see how I see it differently, but my main point is.......... THE RULE THAT WAS VIOLATED IS THE PROBLEM. not the interpretation of it. If it wasn't there, we wouldn't have to argue about interpretation.

Obviously, some people (probably the ones that play fantasy football) like seeing those rules in place. I do not.

that is my main argument about this.

(just trying to clarify)


Nope. It has to do with candy arsses QBs(like Brady and Manning) not taking hit that could kill the ratings. See? I got the point. Still think Harrison deserved the punishment.

Is Gronk a top Fantasy pick?

.....just wondering
Rob Gronkowski? Hell yes, he's a top fantasy pick. He just set the single season record for touchdowns by a tight end.

Obviously, some people (probably the ones that play fantasy football) like seeing those rules in place. I do not.

that is my main argument about this.

(just trying to clarify)

Hey, I'm a huge fantasy football player, and I don't even like the fair catch rule. I used to love the game of smear the queer that happened on every punt.
