McCain Jokes

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Is it just me, or is "terrorist" starting to sound like "communist" did in the McCarthy days?

Well one thing is certain from reading this thread. It appears Bush has somehow united the liberals and the libertarians on

Next thing I'll be seeing Obama divorcing Michelle and marrying Bob Barr in a ceremony officiated by Ron Paul.

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I consider myself to be a conservative/libertarian and that cartoon is simply horsesqueeze. These f-ing generalization that leftists like to throw around would land someone like me in jail. I also take issue that liberals think they are somehow more enlightened than the rest of us because they are voting for Obama. Never mind the fact that I believe it is immoral to steal someone's money that they worked for and give it to someone who didn't and I won't vote for the chosen one on principal. However, it is true that the 2004 and 2006 election platforms for the Republican party were nothing but national security, gay marriage, national security, gay marriage, national security, gay marriage, national security, and gay marriage. It was a very creative platform and look at all the good they have done. This year we have a socialist (McCain) and a Marxist (Obama) to choose from. I hate our two party system.

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Apparently skin is starting to thin around here. I'm very ready to November to be here, just so the propoganda (on both sides) will diminish some.

This year we have a socialist (McCain) and a Marxist (Obama) to choose from.
I am not super ideological, except on a few issues that I won't go into.

Just from an analytical perspective it's pretty apparent that for the time being at least, the "Big Government / High Regulation Contingent" is winning out in our political leadership on both sides of the aisle. I mean, just look at what's happening in the financial markets.

But again, analytically, it is bizarre to me to think of a libertarian (which I am not) not just shaking in their boots over an Obama presidency. Granted, in the day to day there isn't going to be much difference. MAybe in the size of the government health care program. But an administration only lasts 4 years - eight years tops. A Supreme Court can last decades. And most Supreme Court decisions don't have to do with social issues. If you like the Kelo Decision, or if you're a big fan of federal bans on conceal carry laws, you're going to love an Obama administration picking justices at will with a 60 vote Sentate majority. I'm not even sure Obama will turn out that liberal, but the Justices he picks almost certainly will.

And on a social issue - I don't have a problem with gay marriage. I don't believe the state has any business at all in the marriage arena. None, zero nada. But that also means I would have a problem with a Supreme Court that mandated all religions to perform them, or that wouldn't allow a private adoption agency to set their own criteria for adoption.

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The outrage at my cartoon is funny. I'm Libertarian, trending toward anarchist. I just saw the "Terrorist!" frame and immediately thought of this I posted it here.

I'm a conservative libertarian...the cartoon is obnoxious because it equates conservatism and atavism. It wasn't really very funny, just mean spirited.

Holy Jeebus Batman! The skins are thinning at an alarming rate!

I thought the cartoon was pretty damn funny.

Funny how things change when the tables turn.

I too will be relieved when the election is over. I am looking forward to the six months or so of peace until the 2012 election campaigns start.

The cartoon doesn't bother me. On the other hand I don't find it laugh out loud funny either. I've read a lot of funnier stuff in the Shoot the Breeze threads. But most political humor isn't all that hilarious as far as I'm concerned.

I just hope whoever wins doesn't do anything stupid to screw up the economy worse. I sincerely hope whoever wins does the right things, or nothing, or whatever is best. I don't think the effects of this mess will be felt in the unemployment rate for a while, and I am not looking forward to job hunting again if it comes to that. And I have some friends whose jobs are already in pretty precarious straights, and they would have a lot harder time finding work than me.

I hope that before anyone wins there isn't a preemptive strike into Iran to help force the winner's hand.

I hope that before anyone wins there isn't a preemptive strike into Iran to help force the winner's hand.
are you serious? As if we aren't in enough messes already from our other 'preemptive strikes'. How about we clean up the messes we have already made before delving into yet another one?

p.s. - i thought the cartoon was funny.

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