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Someone found a fitbit file from a testaker in October ....seems like this was just implemented for this test cycle.

NCEES is getting killed on their facebook page.
fitbit file?  What information did it have in it?  I know nothing about fit bits other than they are fitness trackers.

Someone found a fitbit file from a testaker in October ....seems like this was just implemented for this test cycle.

NCEES is getting killed on their facebook page.
Hindsight is always 20/20... but if it was indeed a rule change for this test cycle, I'm not sure why they couldn't have made it clear that an additional (quite popular) device has been added to the prohibited list or at least put out some kind of memo/notice that fitness trackers have been added to the list. 

I could have sworn that fitness monitors were a prohibited item back in October 2015.  Perhaps it merely wasn't enforced at all?

Don't they normally  have an "updates to the exam rules" bulletin or something? I seem to recall "updates to the exam" but maybe they don't notify test takers of updates to the rules? It's pretty lame IMO... however... I did read it before the exam...  and wore my dumb watch two weeks out so I wouldn't forget to not wear my fitness tracking watch... but it is completely understandable that a 2nd time test taker (like myself) would not re-read the rules. i was merely procrastinating studying.

I could have sworn that fitness monitors were a prohibited item back in October 2015.  Perhaps it merely wasn't enforced at all?
Someone posted on the NCEES facebook that they checked the 2015 rulebook and it did not mention fitness trackers. I am pretty sure it is a new rule. This would probably explain why many proctors did not know about the rule change either. One candidate even posted that at least four proctors checked her out and did not say anything about her fitbit before being ejected during the afternoon session.

Finally, the rulebook is set up quite poorly. Illegal items are first listed on Page 17 of the rulebook, while the fitness tracker ban is inserted in the appendix on Page 27. It would make sense to have all the illegal items in one section, not split up into two separate sections.

NCEES has given their basic reply on Facebook. It will be interesting to see what they do (highly likely nothing). I do know one thing, they probably want this to go away and away fast!

For what it is worth; I pulled up the exam guide that I downloaded from NCEES on the week of my test registration (December 18); June 2015 revision.  


Compared to the January 13, 2016 policy:


I have a bad feeling this is going to cause the results to be released much later than normal. I think we're looking at 12 - 14 weeks at this point. NCEES is going to need time for get this shit figured out.
I think so too. I have a feeling the Boards are going to step in - and they should.

I hope the folks who were 7 hours in get their exams scored; however, how many questions did they have left could be an issue. I have a feeling the outcome of this is going to be they are allowed to sit in October at no charge. Although, being 7 hours in, I think they should get a free roll to see if they scored high enough to pass.

I find some of this irony. A big part of engineering is communication...and it certainly appears this didn't occur.

Don't get me wrong, I am a believer in the integrity of the exams; however, it appears in this situation, they are more interested in an "I gotcha." 

Do all fitbits have bluetooth capabilities? If so, they would have always have been banned. They might have just pulled it seperately for clarification. Still no excuse for this debacle.

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This was a lack of proper notification and proper training of the proctors. I've come to terms with it though, hoping NCEES will do something to attempt to remedy the situation. If nothing else, I hope future test takers learn from this unfortunate event and can benefit. I also hope NCEES learns from this and attempts to clarify this for future examinees. For now, I'm just going to attempt to enjoy the summer, and if I have to, take it in October again. Guess it's the best practice you can get, right?

fitbit file?  What information did it have in it?  I know nothing about fit bits other than they are fitness trackers.
it was someone;s blog about how the fitbit monitored his heart rate before/during after the exam on test day  oct 2015.  I didn't read the whole thing

although other than the canned statement it was listed on page 27, they are ignoring the fb feed regarding the topic.  although the way FB pages for groups are set up, it isn't obvious there is a problem unless you go and purposely look at the comments.  The comments here probably get more exposure to more people.

Hey everyone, so I was also dismissed from the exam 7 hours in.  My biggest thing is that I registered with NCEES early december and the candidate agreement/exam guide was updated on jan. 13th - and we all know for a fact it wasn't a rule during the Oct. 2015 exam.  NCEES said I attested to the agreement when I registered which had to have been the old version because I have zero memory of the fitness trackers rule whereas the rest of the list looks familiar to me - and probably why so many people were not familiar with it as well.  Not providing or communicating that there was a change to something I attested to in the past and then holding be liable to that change is completely unethical in my books... was anyone else in this same boat?

so if you registered before mid January, you had a different agreement to swear to follow.  

Don't forget to talk to your state and well as ncees.    
