Does that make it better than the folks who made it 7?Only an hour.24 minutes ago, snickerd3 said: Mac- how far along into to the test did they see your fitbit thing?
no it doesn't make it better, I was just curious how long it took proctors to make the decision. I'd personally be more pissed about them waiting until the test was almost over because there could have been people finished early and got out before they went around lookingDoes that make it better than the folks who made it 7?
Talk about an epic disaster on all fronts.
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In a way. On the other hand, the folks who made it seven have now essentially seen the entire exam and I have not. I think it's pretty equally crappy for all of us.Does that make it better than the folks who made it 7?
Talk about an epic disaster on all fronts.
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We love butthurt around here.And butthurt.
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3rd party - maryland a ncees proctor or 3rd party proctor state?
No. They just bring in EMS while you continue to take the exam...They certainly were old. haha. There was one that I distinctly remember thinking - what if he had a heart attack during the exam!!?? - would all of our results been invalidated.
Fight the good fight, sir. I'd get on the horn ASAP to the Maryland Board. Good luck.3rd party - PCS.
I also just found that that Maryland Department of Licensing - back in Nov. 2013 - requested that NCEES grade the exams of people who were dismissed due to pencil notes in reference materials because of lack of proper notification.
This really, really could get interesting....
Did you mean to show a radio controlled watch?And more importantly, just leave all electronic devices (whether or not they are covered by the agreement) behind before entering the examination room except for these (or similar):
Looks like he was from Maryland as well...It may get deleted but one comment on an NCEES facebook post claims he was one of 38 at a test site to get booted for a fitbit. Obviously can't verify but it seems like this was a huge issue this test cycle.
Perhaps along with sweatshirts with no hood, this site should proffer some watches with no electronics. Maybe even the approved calculators. :BIt doesn't sound like much can be done about this past exam administration (albeit some slaps on the proverbial wrist). But I don't think any bans for future testing cycles should be imposed on those that were dismissed specifically for Fitbit (or equiv.) infringements. Primarily based on the fact that there were extreme enforcement inconsistency issues across the April testing cycle. As unfortunate as it was for those that were in fact dismissed, hopefully this will be a learning exercise for both sides. And more importantly, just leave all electronic devices (whether or not they are covered by the agreement) behind before entering the examination room except for these (or similar):
Way to stay positive, Andrew. I was in your EET class, and so so sorry to hear this. Nazrul will help you get back up to speed before the October exam. You've got this!I've come to terms with it... I'm partly to blame as well.
Take two months off - focus on October - everything will be all right.