Make fun of other designations here thread

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The one that's my pet peeve is when people put letters after their name for some society they've just paid to be part of, not something that involved any sort of certification.

You know: like John Doe, ASLA (ASLA folks are the worst for this)

It's for people who are just desperate to have letters behind their name to sound important.

If you happen to be an LS or PhD then I say definitely put it after your name along with PE. But more minor/limited certifications like CPESC or CDT should only be put down when preparing something relevant to it.

If you're doing a stormwater plan, and happen to be a CPSWQ, go for it. If you're designing a sidewalk, who cares!

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first one is easy!


Association of Islamic Charitable Projects?

FWIW: I have no idea what and AICP is and when googled this is one of the hits. :f_115m_e45d7af:

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Thoughts about PMP (Project Management Professional) or the new PgMP (Program Management Professional)?

I definitely frown at the association letters!

Here are the ones for an engineering recruiter I know. He has an associates degree in whatever, but lists these things after his name all the time:


Not even sure what they mean. Looks a little silly to me.


SapperPE said:
I find the following to be acceptable, beyond that, it is just fluff and there to make one look important:
PE or SE for structurals who go by that








Roman Numerals (II, III, etc)
From Nurses:



BSN (An RN with a BS in Nursing.)

I am trying to find a list of professional post nominal letters we can debate over but haven't had any luck. All I found are these obscure royal/clergy titles.

more legit ones out there I can think of:


RA (registered architect, or whatever it is in your state)

CFA (certified financial anaylst, got a friend taking this and the test is insane)

My brother in law is a CIA, certified internal auditor.

Wow, maybe I'll start putting ICC, NFPA after my name, just to impress people with my alphabet soup of impressiveness!

As part of her job my wife has to sign

XXXX, BS, MEd, EdS (Bachelor of Science, Masters of Education, Education Specialist)

Its actually written in the Kentucky Administrative Regulations that people in her position must put those qualifications after there names when signing off on student reports. She of course hates it.

My boss uses: CHMM, Certified Hazardous Materials Manager

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we have to get our TCS and ECS here, Traffic Control Supervisor and Erosion Control Supervisor.

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^ That sucks FW, it just sounds pretentious.

How does the order go? There's some ettiquette to it. I think it's degree first, then licenses/certifications. And it's most prestigious first, then down the line. I think? I gotta ask my wife she's an academic who knows all this stuff.

So I'd be: VTE, M. Eng, P.E., M. ASCE

Is anyone here is Tau Beta Pi or Sigma Xi? I'm in them but I don't know of any silly titles you can tack on for it.

Do people actually put EIT after their names? I never did, even though I could have for more than 16 years.

You can be an associate member before passing the PE, a full blown member after passing the PE, and a founding member after years of distinguished spamming.

- VTE, F.M. EBC (founding member EngineerBoards.Com)

Ooh I'm a card carrying member of the Advantage Club at Price Chopper. Can I add that too?


It looked very gay so I convienently lost those cards and had to order some new ones.

Although the EIT isnt so bad, but both of the "in training" looked retarded.

LSIT is "Land Surveyor in Training"

I have also seen people but MCE or MBA on cards, which I find equally disturbing.
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Some states these days calls it 'engineering intern' or 'intern engineer'. I know VT uses the former, NY the latter. I think that's a garbage title, makes it sound like you're a summer intern.

Both places I worked at post-FE and pre-PE just put EIT on my cards. I think that's a fine title that pretty much sums it up. You're someone new to the field training to become a full blown engineer.

Every so often I do run across someone with EIT on their card. I just opted to not have anything until I ordered my new cards:

bigray76, P.E.

In the next few months, I'll order new ones that say:

bigray76, P.E. LEED AP

I don't plan on adding on anything else after that. Most of our private sector clients salivate over the whole LEED craze.


You can be an associate member before passing the PE, a full blown member after passing the PE, and a founding member after years of distinguished spamming.
- VTE, F.M. EBC (founding member EngineerBoards.Com)

Ooh I'm a card carrying member of the Advantage Club at Price Chopper. Can I add that too?

I have a Charlie Brown's Handshake Club card... maybe I could add CBHC?

