I watched the first two episodes of season one last night. The verdict is still out on it for me. The "process"" is interesting but not sure what direction the show will take once that part concludes and they go "off shore".Started watching "Safe" on Netflix. Not bad once you get past Dexter's terrible fake British accent.
He's Dexter's BFF and doctor coworker.finished up Safe - thought it was pretty good - one of the few where the plot didn't jump out as ultra obvious early on - I still cant tell what the guys role is who is helping the dad look for this daughter? (don't recall his name) but it would be weird to me if my daughter called some random friend of mine for a ride home from a party (unless they discussed that early on and I missed it)
More than Animal House?!FMJ has more classic one-liners than any other movie I've ever seen.