I finally got around to watching Making a Murderer. A friend had recommended it when it first came out (2015), but I didn't have a Netflix subscription. I just signed up for my free month on Netflix, and it was the first thing I watched. The whole thing is really messed up, but the material is definitely presented in a way to make you sympathize with the Avery's and hate the prosecutor and sheriff's department.
The thing that struck me the most, though, was something completely unrelated to the rape and murder cases. I had just re-watched Idiocracy the night before I started watching Making a Murderer. The main point in Idiocracy is how intelligent people tend to be more conservative when it comes to having children, but less intelligent people breed like rabbits. The opening episode of Making a Murderer talks about how Steven Avery has an IQ in the low 70's, then goes on to talk about how he had 5 kids with his first wife by the time he was convicted of the first rape (at 23 years old).