Kids of EB

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terrible twos, horrible threes, ... it just goes on until about 9 or 10 when they're OK for a couple of years until they get those teenage hormones and the tantrums start over again.

Saw this on another board and thought of several members here that may find themselves in the same boat:

I showed up to pick up a chick for our first date back in HS and her Dad was literally cleaning his guns on the kitchen table. I rolled my eyes (when out of sight from him).

Fast forward to a couple of years ago and I ran into him at a bar. Went up to him: "Hey Dave! Remember me?"
"Of course I do, Matt" bla bla bla....
"Hey, when I came to pick up Melanie for our first date..."
"Yeah, I was cleaning the guns on the kitchen table. No offense intended, man. I did that for all her first dates"
"Yeah, when you did that, I kind of thought it was a bit over the top but now I get it"
"Ah. You got a daughter now, do ya?"
"Yep. Two"
"Wanna buy some guns? I'm done with them. She's married now"
Mini sap #3 is coming home tomorrow! 22 days in the NICU, one major surgery and a thousand bucks in gas to drive back and forth between hospital and home to see him and also stay in contact with my other two kids later, and he's finally going to sleep in his own crib for the first time tomorrow night.

Mini sap #3 is coming home tomorrow! 22 days in the NICU, one major surgery and a thousand bucks in gas to drive back and forth between hospital and home to see him and also stay in contact with my other two kids later, and he's finally going to sleep in his own crib for the first time tomorrow night.
This I am glad to read. Good news for the Sapper family.

Babies are so much easier to understand then 6 year olds. My 6 y/o daughter is trying to figure out school social dynamics. As an engineer, I want to solves problems, it's killing me trying to let her figure it out on her own.

Babies; you feed them, clean them, and love them.

so minisnick's bed is lofted with two dressers under it. I spent part of my day off yesterday reorganizing his room. I moved one dresser out from under and pushed the other back against the walk beneath the bed. This gives him some extra room to play and adds sort of a secret hidding place. I've been wanted to do this for months as a change in pace for him. He keeps asking how i got the bed to stay up without the dressers there...which is how he has always seen it....he apparently assumed the dresserd held up the bed.

he spent a good chunk of time yesterday under is bed in a chair "reading" books with a flashlight.

My 6 year old has already pulled the "I hate you, I hate this house, and you don't understand me" lines.

I can't wait until she's a teenager.

My 6 year old has already pulled the "I hate you, I hate this house, and you don't understand me" lines.

I can't wait until she's a teenager.
My daughter turns 7 in a few weeks, and she uses those lines regularly.

Me to oldest son: "take a shower and get in bed." And bribe with video games.

Me to daughter: "sit on the potty and get the poopy out!" And bribe with candy canes.

Me to youngest son: "I love you, go to sleep buddy" and bribe with pacifier.

Same tactics works for all ages.


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