Kids of EB

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I have much to learn. :)

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I've given up on bribery. I get no sex, kids don't listen. Dog still noses through the trash.


Lol. My dog has found ways out his crate. He has dug completely through walls. He's dragged a trash can across the entire house, all while going #1, #2 and tracking them through the house and in the rugs. Yeah, he's lucky I love him.

Yes sir. Mine is BL. He's about 10 or 11 now. Had a golden retriever mix until October. Had to put him down. He had a large mass in abdomen which was preventing him from #2.

My American Eskimo is 11 years old. My daughter and him have been getting closer lately. It's nice to see. My daughter sees the dog as a play mate, and my dog sees my daughter as a source for food. She even calls him "the vacuum."

We were in urgent care until 9:30 last night to get a prescription to treat Baby YMZ's ear infection. I've never given my kids antibiotics before; has anyone had complications from giving them to your kids? I wonder if I should be giving Baby YMZ a probiotic or something to reduce the risk of a yeast infection.

Minisnick is an ear infection king. which kind of antiboitic did you get? Minisnick reacted to the zpack (azyromyacin), his eye brows swelled up...with his very first ear infection. He is currently on Bactrim because he just had amoxiclin in sept so the dr didn't want to put him back on that one so close with the time. but the amoxicilin works just fine too.

Regular yogurt is just fine. lots of water. expect the color of #2 to be a little different.

Thanks snick. She's on amoxicillin.

The last time I dealt with antibacs was when I delivered Mini YMZ. We got thrush and it sucked; for me it felt like someone was jabbing a needle into my **** every time I breastfed, and I imagine it was much more painful for Mini. I don't like antiobiotics and I hope we rarely have to use them.

We were in urgent care until 9:30 last night to get a prescription to treat Baby YMZ's ear infection. I've never given my kids antibiotics before; has anyone had complications from giving them to your kids? I wonder if I should be giving Baby YMZ a probiotic or something to reduce the risk of a yeast infection.
It's how we learned that Mini-Dex #1 is allergic to penicillan. It's a mild allergy for him, and basically causes a series of rashes after a few days on the meds. All we had to do was discontinue use and switch to a different antibiotic and the rash cleared up within a day or two.

I've been trying to contact my city for over a week to book a venue for Mini YMZ's 4th birthday party, but they're nonresponsive. The other places I was considering got booked up during the time I've been waiting. I don't get why this is so hard. I have money; why can't they just take it and write my name down on the damn calendar?

On the antibiotics- we do yogurt, kefir, etc. to keep the healthy bacteria going. We have done maybe 3 antibiotics for his whole life.
