Kids of EB

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The charter school my kids are enrolled at has a requirement for minimum number of parent participation hours. I have no idea what it is, but Mrs Dex is taking care of it.

Minisap 1 turns 9 in a few days and in his own words will be a rockstar geologist electrical engineer architect and have a sidejob as a lifeguard.

Minisap 2 turns 2 in a couple months and in her own words.... ball.... moon.... achoo (because aparently she thinks that is talking when people sneeze)... and princess (whenever Sofia the First comes on TV)

Minisap 3 is due on Christmas Day this year

Minisap 1 turns 9 in a few days and in his own words will be a rockstar geologist electrical engineer architect and have a sidejob as a lifeguard.

Minisap 2 turns 2 in a couple months and in her own words.... ball.... moon.... achoo (because aparently she thinks that is talking when people sneeze)... and princess (whenever Sofia the First comes on TV)

Minisap 3 is due on Christmas Day this year

Interesting, how cool would it be to share your birthday with your kid? Did you plan it that way?

Mudpuppy, no we didn't plan it, but I'm really hoping he comes on his due date because that would be really cool I think.
My wife was born on her dad's birthday which fell on Fathers day that year. She liked it when she was young but not any more but that is due to her dad's actions (became a cheating narcissistic a-hole).

Interesting that they have to mandate parent involvement. I get to the school a few times a year to help with big classroom activities and field trips, plus stop in pretty regularly after school to check in. I think I'd be less inclined to be involved if it was forced on me.

Ventilator- any chance the birthday is June 17?

With all this talk of birthdays I guess I should mention that today is mini-ble1's birthday. I can't believe he's already 4, where has the time gone?

I don't even remember my kid being four. Mine will be 8 in September and a second grader in two weeks. It's true...I feel like I'm going to close my eyes for a second and we'll be at his high school graduation.

^Heck, sometimes I feel like I just closed my eyes at my high school graduation a second ago and here I am 14.5 years later, which I just realized is exactly how long mini-ble1 has until he graduates high school...

15 years for me, which means in another 15 my kid should be done with college. I think for me the eleven years at work seem to have flown by (Now, looking back. The first four did not flyby) and I think, "When I've worked another 11, my kid will be out of high school."

When did I become an adult?!

I have a 5, 9 and 11 YO. Yous guys are kids.

But - I wanted to also have my kids before I was like ancient. I know couples who are banging up against 40 and trying to start families.

I am too old for that crap. Can't imagine having a baby in my 40's. Fudge.

15 years for me, which means in another 15 my kid should be done with college. I think for me the eleven years at work seem to have flown by (Now, looking back. The first four did not flyby) and I think, "When I've worked another 11, my kid will be out of high school."

When did I become an adult?!

Adulthood is not marked by age, it's a state of mind.

Mine will officially be a 3rd grader next Wednesday. Time really flies.

Mine will start school on the 3rd, and will be in 3rd and 1st grades. I really enjoy the fact that both of them will be out of highschool before I turn 45...

15 years for me, which means in another 15 my kid should be done with college. I think for me the eleven years at work seem to have flown by (Now, looking back. The first four did not flyby) and I think, "When I've worked another 11, my kid will be out of high school."

When did I become an adult?!

Adulthood is not marked by age, it's a state of mind.

Mine will officially be a 3rd grader next Wednesday. Time really flies.
I liken it to when you realize that you are now Homer and Marge instead of Bart and Lisa...

Anyway, I have a SENIOR and a seventh grader.

They start school on the 26th, although the oldest is already effectively in school because of football practice.

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Interesting that they have to mandate parent involvement. I get to the school a few times a year to help with big classroom activities and field trips, plus stop in pretty regularly after school to check in. I think I'd be less inclined to be involved if it was forced on me.

Ventilator- any chance the birthday is June 17?
looks like it will be 8 hrs of face time in some form.

we had orientation today. MInisnick absolutely LOVED it!! He was upset when I said it was time to go. I literally had to drag him off the play ground and he was being a little snot when I dropped him off at daycare afterwards.

Today is the first official day of school! Minisnick was so excited was going to get to ride the bus to school.

It was surprisingly obivous which kids yesterday at orientation had SAHM/SAHDs.
