Kids of EB

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Since I started my new job at a landfill, my sweet little girls run up to me during playtime and tell me they're "going to bring the best pieces of garbage for Mommy's dump".

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Sup peoples. Has been months. Saw this thread float back to the top. Been cranking serious hours out at work and my wife had these pics taken so I wouldn't forget what my kids look like. They grow up fast, thinking about winning the lottery soon so I can stay home with them more. :)


Good looking group, TD! Let me know about your lottery secrets, I could use some of that money as well.

Both mini-ble1 and mini-ble2 will be starting preschool in about a month. Mrs. ble isn't going to know what to do the two days a week she won't have any kids in the house in the morning. I'm going to be sure to make up a big list of things she needs to get done...Yea, right. :D

Mini-ble1 is everyday 9-12 and mini-ble2 is 2 days a week 9-12. I meant that both kids will be gone 2 days a week and then she'll have mini-ble2 the other 3 days.

I'm going to be sure to make up a big list of things she needs to get done...Yea, right. :D

My guess how it'll actually go:

9:30 Get home from dropping off the kids; crash on the couch for a second

11 Wake up suddenly not realizing she had just passed out from exhaustion; put in a load of laundry

11:30 In the middle of starting one of Ble's "assignments", curses as she realizes it's time to leave to pick up the kids

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those 3 hrs are going to fly by a lot quicker than you's enought ime to get something small started but nothing too big because you will have to leave to pick up the kiddos right in the middle of it. super annoying.

^Yea, she's already started to come up with some things that she wants to get done, but I know that it's going to be frustrating trying to finish projects up in that amount of time.

Do you guys back-to school shop for clothes before or after school starts?

I usually buy the boys new shoes the week before school starts, and a maybe a pair of shorts and a shirt. I never buy them new jeans until the first cold snap, because I don't know whether or they will grow out of them between the time that school starts and the first chilly day. I bought new jeans one year in August because they were on sale; they got worn once in October as high waters because they were the only long pants the kid had...

minisnick is still young enough that buying next seasons warbdrobe during the previous is ok. I bought most of his pants for this fall at the begining of summer when there were reduced to less than $4 a pr and the long sleeve tshirts were $2 or less. I already have next summer's shorts bought...although he will likely still fit in the ones from this yr as they fall off his butt.

shoes is something I still need to get since he has managed to wear off almost the complete heal on his spiderman lighty up ass material. It's back to nike or new balance for the next pr but I have to have him with me while being in a big town to do that. Nike and new balance seem to run small since the last pair were larger than the size of his current no name brand shoes.

We bought ours last month, but we purposfully bought them oversized so the kids could grow into them. Only reason we bought them when we did was because the kids were transferred into a charter school that has a uniform, and the only approved supplier (Land's End) had a sale right after 4th of July weekend that also included a "penny sale" on embroidered school logos (also required).

actually I should probably ask at the meet the teacher thing on wed if there is a dress code. both times i was in the pre-k buildin it didn't feel like there was was central AC so shirts with or without sleeves will be helpful to know since I've been sending him to daycare in sleeveless since they don't have ac.

Do you guys back-to school shop for clothes before or after school starts?

I usually buy the boys new shoes the week before school starts, and a maybe a pair of shorts and a shirt. I never buy them new jeans until the first cold snap, because I don't know whether or they will grow out of them between the time that school starts and the first chilly day. I bought new jeans one year in August because they were on sale; they got worn once in October as high waters because they were the only long pants the kid had...

I will buy whatever we need to bridge the gap, waiting on clothes as the weather dictates. My kid will grow and grow...but the one time I bought jeans too big, he stopped growing. It's more cost effective do operate on a just-in-time delivery, rather than waste money on clothes he'll never wear.

minisnick absolutely loves watching the syfy show Face Off. He thinks it's awesome watching them use makeup to make monsters.

We meet minisnick pre-k teacher tonight during a meet the teacher event our school district holds for all grade levels. Tomorrow we have manditory observation hrs to do for orientation. Then Friday is his official first day of school.

as part of the pre-k program, and think even the elementary schools around here. there are so hrs a yr the parents have complete to keep them involved in their kids education.

the exact number we have to complete I am not sure. But we will be clocking about 2 hrs tomorrow. If we weren't able to make the orientation then we had to make special arrangement to observe another time.
