Kids of EB

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A fall down the stairs would be very scary glad they're OK. My little guy gave us another scare last week at my parents house. They have a play fort with a slide that is about 5ft off the ground. He started to slide down which he has done a thousand times but this time decided to plant his feet and jump. My mom yelled and I turned just in time to see him fly off from basically the top and land face first on the ground with his head/neck bending in all kinds of a terrible direction. He didn't move for what seemed like year but was prob only a second then got up ran over crying because he had dirt in his eye, never mind the fact he fell 5 ft. He's fine but man, I just had his head glued back together from the daycare jump he took and then he pulled that.

Looking back at all the times I smashed my head as a kid I know he'll be all right but man does it scare you.

Oh i almost forgot...minisnick treated us this weekend to the start of the fav word "penis" phase. A commercial was playing some dance music and minisnick jumps up and starts shaking is butt and says shake your butt and shake your penis. I asked him yesterday morning if he grew taller overnight...he said nope just my penis... good heavens. :rolleyes:

Oh i almost forgot...minisnick treated us this weekend to the start of the fav word "penis" phase. A commercial was playing some dance music and minisnick jumps up and starts shaking is butt and says shake your butt and shake your penis. I asked him yesterday morning if he grew taller overnight...he said nope just my penis... good heavens. :rolleyes:
That "phase" tends to last until he's about 90. Maybe longer. Like my penis.

My favorite conversation from Seinfeld:

Jerry: "Do you date immature men?"

Lady: "Almost exclusively."

^ Boys are funny. Mini YMZ gets upset at me just for saying "bummer" because she thinks it's vulgar (daddy is Canadian, so bum = butt).

Oh i almost forgot...minisnick treated us this weekend to the start of the fav word "penis" phase. A commercial was playing some dance music and minisnick jumps up and starts shaking is butt and says shake your butt and shake your penis. I asked him yesterday morning if he grew taller overnight...he said nope just my penis... good heavens. :rolleyes:
Just spit pop at my screen!! holy crap that's funny!


One kid gone to camp, one at home...hopefully, looking forward to an entire week without an argument over who drank the last of the milk, who lost the remote, or whose turn it is to take out the trash.

I turn my back for a second and BabyYMZ has stripped completely naked, diaper included, and is dancing on the treadmill. I hope she grows out of this phase before she starts preschool in a few months.

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^good luck with that. Minisnick stripped to his skivvies and started doing the robot dance this morning when we told him to get dressed

ok i hope this is the last stage of the potty training adventure....the overnight. Since he had been keeping the pull ups dry over night we switched to the thicker training regular underwear for bed time. However once we did this bedtime has gotten crazy. He pees before getting into bed. 2 minutes later he says he has to pee and is back in the bathroom and a few drops is all. Back to bed, a few minutes later back tot the bathroom for a few drips. This goes on for at least 15 minutes every night. It usually end in a crying tantrum because we wont get up to keep him comany since the bathroom is "scary" at night....even though there is a rather bright nightlight in the bathroom and there is also one in his room.

we asked him why he keeps getting up even though he doesn't pee and he says he doesn't want to pee in his pants and he is afraid he will.

^^^ My first thought on the getting up to pee/drip was that there could be a urinary tract infection, but that doesn't seem to be the case based on your second post.

Since it was mini-snick saying he didn't want to pee in his pants, the best thing you can do is to tell him that it is ok if he does. I'm assuming he's on a water-proof mattress, so if he does pee, it wouldn't be a big deal. Assure him that you won't be mad if he has an accident and hopefully that will calm him down to the point he will just go to sleep.

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My kid will get up 5 times to go to the bathroom after we put her to bed. Usually just a tiny bit comes out, it's just a stalling tactic for her since she knows we won't say she can't use the bathroom. This has been going on for 6 months now, she is 4 so we just tell her to go if she needs to and eventually she gets tired and goes to sleep.

Obviously at 4 years old its easier to yell from the other room to just pee if you need to then go back to bed than if you kid is 2-3 which I guess minsnick is?

My guess is a combination of not wanting to disappoint by wetting the bed and using it as a stall tactic to get you to pay attention (like my kid did). Dex's advice is what I would say as well. We would also sit with her when she went before bed and ask her if she was sure all her pee was out and she would say yes. After the bed story we would remind her she just went and got all her pee out so she didn't need to get up. This worked for a while until she figured out it was a way to come out of her room at night with out getting in trouble.

he will be 4 in october. he has started doing the same thing at nap time at day care apparently...since he isn't really into naps anymore he has been getting up to go pee there too.

one for funny potty related item. he hates getting his hands dirty...even the possibily of doing so. so he whines like crazy when he has to wipe his own butt...the latest retort was my hands are too small to wipe my butt you have to do it.

one for funny potty related item. he hates getting his hands dirty...even the possibily of doing so. so he whines like crazy when he has to wipe his own butt...the latest retort was my hands are too small to wipe my butt you have to do it.
Yeah well what I hear at my house is that I didn't get dirty going to the bathroom so why should I have washed my hands.

so last week we bought minisnick a special lightening mcqueen "potty" flashlight to keep on his bed. so when he has to go the bathroom in the middle of the night he can use the light to navigate the stairs on his bed and the dark hallway into the bathroom (even though there are nitelights in his room and in the bathroom).

it has been working well. Not even sure if he has been getting up....but he is sleeping in regular underwear not even the thicker cotten training underpants anymore overnight.

minisnick experienced his first occurance of the oddities of the english language this morning. He asked me this morning what his shirt said. It was a picture of a pirate holding a flag and it said "for pirate". With an indignant look on his face he said "uh uh, there not four pirates on my shirt, just one."
