Kids of EB

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During our walk this morning minisnick rode his tricycle. He started going really fast and wasnt paying attention....then boom he goes face first into the street. He was up and running back to us before we could get to him. Some tears a slight bloody nose but he got right back on androde therest of the way home. Had too reattach the plastic visor thing to his helmet as it took most of the blow andpopped off. Now it understandtheir purpose. So proud ofthe little man. He kept playing on his bikes the rest of theday even attempting tricks so i forsee more bumps in the future. Although hisnose will likely bebruised tomorrow...he wouldn't let me put a cold pak on it.
that's better than the phone call I got from daycare a few weeks ago.

Daycare: "Hi this is ____ from daycare, you son just jumped off the see saw and smashed his head on the playground." followed by silence

Me: All right, so is he OK?

Daycare: Probably not, I mean yes but hurt, we're trying to stop the bleeding. again followed by silence

Me: So was it bad enough to call an ambulance or anything?

Daycare: No, we're just cleaning it with the first aid kit but he might need stiches so you'll probably want to come get him

Turns out he is going to have a nice scar right on the top of his forehead, had to get the skin glued back together. After like 2 weeks of trying to get the glue out of his hair in the bathtub with no success, I finally just said sorry guy and gave it a rip, now he has a bald spot where all the hair came out. Feel kinda bad about that one. He's fine now but likes to point to his head and say boo-boo (he's only 2).

wow...your daycare can have seesaws? Our daycare had to remove the see saw and about half of the other playground equipment over the winter because the inspector/license renewal guy felt they were not safe. They also have no pavement it is all wood chips or a foot of pea gravel.

wow...your daycare can have seesaws? Our daycare had to remove the see saw and about half of the other playground equipment over the winter because the inspector/license renewal guy felt they were not safe. They also have no pavement it is all wood chips or a foot of pea gravel.
I think it was a seesaw, maybe it was a swing set. I live in Florida, I don't think we really follow any rules in case you've missed the news for the last 10 years ; ). I do know that the play area is mulch but its out back so I don't really go back there when I pick them up so it could be a gladiator arena for all I know. They must have said seesaw in panic of trying to hide the fact they had them baby jousting or something.

Yea!!!! Minisnick got accepted into the pre-K excited.

He is not the most articulate speaker and they have 2 speech pathologists on staff so I'm sure they will be working with him....we try but its that whole mom and dad telling him something versus someone outside telling him.

Yea!!!! Minisnick got accepted into the pre-K excited.

He is not the most articulate speaker and they have 2 speech pathologists on staff so I'm sure they will be working with him....we try but its that whole mom and dad telling him something versus someone outside telling him.

We just got my kid registered for school this Fall. Two and a half years of home schooling was enough for both him and my wife. He responds a lot better to a teacher that isn't also his parent.

wow...your daycare can have seesaws? Our daycare had to remove the see saw and about half of the other playground equipment over the winter because the inspector/license renewal guy felt they were not safe. They also have no pavement it is all wood chips or a foot of pea gravel.
I think it was a seesaw, maybe it was a swing set. I live in Florida, I don't think we really follow any rules in case you've missed the news for the last 10 years ; ). I do know that the play area is mulch but its out back so I don't really go back there when I pick them up so it could be a gladiator arena for all I know. They must have said seesaw in panic of trying to hide the fact they had them baby jousting or something.
This describes all preschools/daycares from my experience. I have great respect for preschool teachers/daycare providers.

That's awesome, Snick!

Flyer, there is no way we could handle home-schooling the kids.

It's a lot of work. We seemed to manage it ok though. According to the tests, he's above grade level in both reading and math. The only things he's struggling with are spelling and handwriting. I have a hard time criticizing that since both my handwriting and spelling suck.

That's awesome, Snick!

Flyer, there is no way we could handle home-schooling the kids.
I fall into this category too. No way could i home school minisnick...i just don't have the patience. Mr snick was homeschooled for a couple years during elementary age bc his parents thought the public schools even back then were bad.

Is it bad though that I am happy that they found a reason for him to get in and not have to hope for an empty seat? He really is a smart kid, he is just easily excited and his speech goes right out the window when that happens. I am assuming it is his speech that got him his place in class.

The exposure to non daycare friends will be good too.

That's awesome, Snick!

Flyer, there is no way we could handle home-schooling the kids.

It's a lot of work. We seemed to manage it ok though. According to the tests, he's above grade level in both reading and math. The only things he's struggling with are spelling and handwriting. I have a hard time criticizing that since both my handwriting and spelling suck.
Mr snick was in that same scenario when he went back to public school grade level above in reading and math...he will be fine. perhaps a little bored at first but it wears least that was how mr snick described it to me once

^The school we picked seems pretty well geared to deal with kids running both above and below grade level. I'm curious to see how he does with his writing when it's no longer Mom trying to teach him.

We pulled him out of regular school because his vocabulary and comprehension were pretty advanced for his age. The result was that the teacher expected motor skills to match and they don't. He was pretty miserable and it was killing my wife to see it.

holy cow its a miracle...minisnick has gotten over his fear of swings. we went to park this weekend and he spent most of his time on the swings and even trying to jump off when he slowed down enough...which he nearly managed toface plant since he was jumping off on the back motion and not the forward.

Junior beefed it yesterday when the GF took her for a walk. Too much speed on her razor scooter, tried to stop wearing flip flops and ate it hard on her elbows and stomach. Didn't see it, but heard what sounded like a murder taking place just across the street. Don't think she'll be making the flip flop mistake again.

Had a big scare the other night with mini-ble1. We had just finished getting the kids dressed for bed and I always take mini-ble2 to her room to read her a book and give her milk and mini-ble1 goes downstairs with mrs. ble to watch some tv before bed. I came out of the room to ask mrs. ble something and she is almost crying asking mini-ble1 if he's alright. I run over to see what's going on and he had fallen down the stairs. My wife told me that they were just getting ready to go downstairs and she turned around to pick up a couple of things she needed to carry down and when she looked back he was literally flipping down the stairs. Thank the Lord he wasn't hurt at all and it only scared him, but it still makes me sick to my stomach to think of what could have happened.

Yikes! Scary stuff Ble.

Then again, we often forget just how resilient kids can be. As a kid, I tumbled down my parents' living room stairs, smashed into their grandfather clock at the foot of it, and had a wet and dry vac come down on top of me. Walked away from it, the clock and drywall were not so lucky.

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I think a tumble down the stairs is almost a given at some point for any kid. I remember rolling down the stairs at my uncle's farm house when I was 5 or so. Got up and continued on to where I was going. My kid took a slow motion fall down about half a flight of stairs in that same house when he was 4. He wound up with a fat lip but no other injuries. It finally got through to him to be careful on stairs. I was just happy he took the fall down a set of carpeted stairs with a relatively soft landing at the bottom. I was worried that fall would happen with basement concrete at the bottom.

Yea, it amazes me how tough he is sometimes. The big thing that scared me was hearing mrs. ble describe it to me. She said that she saw his head hitting a stair and his neck bending sideways. Scary stuff, but he's no worse for the wear. He understands more now why we are constantly getting on him to hold on to the handrail on the way up and down.
