Kids of EB

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^^^ Awesome!!!

My daughter insisted on removing her training wheels last fall. She will only ride it if I am running behind her while holding her seat up, as she refuses to actually balance for herself. I've let her crash a couple of times as a way to show her that she needs to do it herself, but she just laughs it off and does it again...

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^^^ That's part of the reason we spent so much on the daycare center we sent our kids to. It was only a "daycare" facility before 8am and after 3pm. During the day, the kids were in "school" (age appropriate). If you keep your child in their school for a full year before they enroll for kindergarten, the center will promise that all of the school district's kindergarten requirements will be met (colors, shapes, alphabet, math, reading, etc)...

Only real downside was that most of the kids find themselves in the "advanced" category once they're in grade school and get bored while their classmates "catch-up". Many parents end up transferring them to a montesori, private, or a charter school so their kids aren't held back anymore.
the daycare technically runs a preschool program during the school yr that he gets regardless because that is the room he spends most of his time, but consistency with the # of kids each day isn't going to be as nice as the structured Pre-k from teh school district that has a speech pathologist on staff,

^^^ Awesome!!!

My daughter insisted on removing her training wheels last fall. She will only ride it if I am running behind her while holding her seat up, as she refuses to actually balance for herself. I've let her crash a couple of times as a way to show her that she needs to do it herself, but she just laughs it off and does it again...
At that point, I would stop holding the seat for her.

4:30 AM.

We wake up to Junior's bloodcurdling screams of death.

GF runs in her room.

"What's wrong, are you OK?"

"My eye hurt a minute ago."

"But it's fine now?"


"You can't scream like that, honey. I thought you were hurt or that a bad man had come in."

"But if we had CPI Security, the bad man wouldn't be able to get in."

I think it's time to remove Junior from TV watching entirely... <_<

^^^ My son has repeatedly asked us why we don't have ADT security setup at our house yet...

Sunday I taught my son the importance of lifting up a little bit off the bike seat when jumping on or off the curb. The first time he did he says, "Whoa!" and I said, "It's nice when you don't jam your testicles into your abdomen, eh?"

pre -k screening went well. It was done as a group of 4 kids with the 3 teachers and 2 speech therapist observing/interacting while they played for a half hr. Then he had vision and hearing screened again...daycare had someone come in to test those back in January so I already knew he didn't have any problems.

I'm not sure if it helped or hurt his chances that his best buddy from day care was also one of the 4 kids this morning. Minisnick was clingy until he saw his BFF and then everything was alright with the world. Heaven help the teacher if they both do end up getting accepted and in the same class. The pair is going to be trouble!!!

on the way back to the car he said Mom, they didn't ask me to sing my abcs...we had been telling him they were likely to ask him questions like letters and numbers.

It was done as a group of 4 kids with the 3 teachers and 2 speech therapist observing/interacting while they played for a half hr.
We shall observe them in their natural environment. Studied at a distance. - national geographic

too funny. minisnick has starting getting creative when he sees words on things and pretends to read them. Last night was prime example. the dentist gave him an old school sand timer for duration of teeth brushing. it was sitting on the bathroom counter and while he using the potty he points to the timer and states that the words say if you pee on the potty you get to play with it. (the writing on the timer was just the dentist name and #)

During our walk this morning minisnick rode his tricycle. He started going really fast and wasnt paying attention....then boom he goes face first into the street. He was up and running back to us before we could get to him. Some tears a slight bloody nose but he got right back on androde therest of the way home. Had too reattach the plastic visor thing to his helmet as it took most of the blow andpopped off. Now it understandtheir purpose. So proud ofthe little man. He kept playing on his bikes the rest of theday even attempting tricks so i forsee more bumps in the future. Although hisnose will likely bebruised tomorrow...he wouldn't let me put a cold pak on it.

Response when asking Junior if she heard the dog rooing last night - "No, my ears turn off when I'm asleep."

Made the midnight Walmart run for printer paper for Mini-Tex's language arts project on Weds night (or Thursday morning) and had to get up at 5am to drive to Houston for a meeting. Deja-vu...

minisnick has started "reading" a version of brown bear brown bear called panda bear panda isn't a book we read often but he pulled it off the shelft his week and started reading the book to us with no problems...must be a book they read the kids at daycare.

Made the midnight Walmart run for printer paper for Mini-Tex's language arts project on Weds night (or Thursday morning) and had to get up at 5am to drive to Houston for a meeting. Deja-vu...
That's rough!! I can't operate let alone drive on that little sleep

Made the midnight Walmart run for printer paper for Mini-Tex's language arts project on Weds night (or Thursday morning) and had to get up at 5am to drive to Houston for a meeting. Deja-vu...
Isn't it weird how many small children are at Walmart at midnight?

Back in school i thought it was strange when i saw parents buying booze with their kids at midnightish. Now that i have kids, i dont think its that strange anymore.

My 20-month-old just dialed me. I picked up the phone and heard "Hello? Mommy? No" followed by my mom yelling in Thai in the background because she'd just noticed and had no idea what number the baby had dialed.
