Master slacker
Something awesome.
fixtLikewise. If only she were real. And crouchednext tounder my desk.
fixtLikewise. If only she were real. And crouchednext tounder my desk.
Better.fixtLikewise. If only she were real. And crouchednext tounder my desk.
It's Friday for me too! I'll see ya there around 10 since that's probably as fast as I can make it flying down!TTT, suckas!
I have put in my 43 hour work week and am heading to the house as soon as I answer two more emails. I'm buying drinks for everyone coming to my house tonight. If you want a drink, stop on by!
Have you started your new job, or have you stopped burning vacation on your last one?It actually IS Friday here. But it sucks for me at work today because, first of all, my wife screwed up and told me to be at a school event which did not actually require or even welcome my presence, thus causing me to lose 2 hours of work time for nothing, and second of all because I am out of here for a week starting Sunday, and suddenly everyone thinks their business can't wait for me to get back, so I can't even take lunch due to all the "oh we really need to meet about this before you leave, Dleg!" useless meetings.
Palau - supposed to be incredible diving there. We were going to hit it in 07', but spent more time in Fiji because it was very inexpensive and had a great time there. Perhaps someday.Haven't started yet - but maybe within the next couple of weeks now. Still nothing for certain beyond "it WILL happen". I'm taking a work trip, on vacation time, for next week. Working on a project for the Republic of Palau. They pay my travel and per diem, and I do the work. I did the first part on my agency's dime last year, but this addition is outside the original scope of work, so I offered to do it on my vacation time (I still have ~230 hours left to burn). It gets me a trip to a beautiful place, and another notch on my resume.