It's Friday!!!!

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I would be Friday for me t/m but alas it's a drill weekend so I will be Ensign D starting at 0730 on Saturday!

Not Friday for me, working on a boiler outage. Working all weekend and hopefully have next weekend off.

Thinking about going to a brewpub that is 30 miles away though for dinner tonight.

Lord have mercy. Our biological alarm started to grunt and scream this morning at 3:30 am... Been up for 7 hours and there's another hour and a half before it's noon.

Lord have mercy. Our biological alarm started to grunt and scream this morning at 3:30 am... Been up for 7 hours and there's another hour and a half before it's noon.
your wife's ready for babies, eh?

TGIF. Yesterday was a challenging 14-hour day, attempting to drill beside the lovely Gunnison River, getting the drill rig transport truck stuck in a mud bog, finally getting home at 10 PM. We were trying to drill 3 holes, 30-feet deep. I got two in the ground, one to 8 feet and one to 15 feet, all in river gravel. Woo hoo! I need a beer.

Saturday in Norfolk, then back to Richmond,

Sunday at Fort Belvoir then back to Richmond,

One tired ElCid03.

Oh, sorry guys. I forgot to mention that during my days in the porn industry, my name was "Friday". The secret's out.
