It's Friday!!!!

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I thought there wasn't supposed to be any more talk about reaming the butt joint before screwing.
Soooo... what's your take if it's not BEFORE screwing?

ream during or after?

I for one just stay away from butt joints, I'm a woodworker by nature and like a good dowel'ed fitting. Cleanup is a little messy, but worth the extra effort.

I knew it, I just KNEW it! VT is Lindeburg!

Survived another week, praise be!

Now how many hours will baby ElCid let me sleep tonight?

Did Supe go the way of Fudgey?

Did Supe go the way of Fudgey?

Nope. After 1.5 years here, I decided a vacation was in order. Especially since I lose it if I don't use it by the end of the year. Only allowed to carry over 40, I had 100+

Friday my ass. Since the company is generous enough to give us the day after Thanksgiving off, we've got a mandatory full day tomorrow to make up for it.

I was supposed to have it off, XMas week off and New year's week of..

That all got cancelled about a month ago. Big project took priority. Looks like I'm taking off the last 1/2 of January.
