It's Friday!!!!

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Plus there's always a chance for road head.

There's way more than a chance, especially since it gets dark before 6pm nowadays.

I'm also hoping to be blacklisted from multiple roadside rest areas by the end of the trip.

Not to mention the fact that when driving 32 hours, it's much easier to stay sane when you have someone to talk to.
32 hours? From NC to Houston? That seems a bit much doesn't it? That can't be straight drive time can it? It's 12-13 hours to Houston from Atlanta and I would think you could get from most places in NC to Atlanta in 6-7 hours. I guess you must be including your overnight stop in that 32 hours calculation.

And didn't we establish in another thread that Houston is a lousy place to vacation? ;)

32 hours? From NC to Houston? That seems a bit much doesn't it? That can't be straight drive time can it? It's 12-13 hours to Houston from Atlanta and I would think you could get from most places in NC to Atlanta in 6-7 hours. I guess you must be including your overnight stop in that 32 hours calculation.
And didn't we establish in another thread that Houston is a lousy place to vacation? ;)

32 hours round trip.

And we established that Houston is a great place to visit, especially in these cooler fall months.

Ah, Gottcha.

I've been to Houston, there is no such thing as "cooler fall months". It's either 90+ degrees with 100% humidity or freezing. There is nothing in between.

Nah, you get a few weeks where you can walk out at night and it's in the 70's/low 80's.

32 hours round trip.
And we established that Houston is a great place to visit, especially in these cooler fall months.

I live in San Antonio, and concur that Houston is a horrible place to visit. Just one giant urban heat island! Go see an ocean or something...much more relaxing.

I lived in Houston, and I like it just fine! I will take the obligatory trip to Galveston and the Strand one day, the museum trips another, and I've also got another session of tattoo work in order. Not to mention, Papadeuxs and Taste of Texas are calling my name, as is a crawfish boil.

Hooray for Friday!!!!

I went home for lunch - my wife had grilled brats ready for the eating!! :D

While the capt would approve of the lunch menu - he probably wouldn't approve of the 22F temp today! It actually isn't so bad with enough layers ....


Hooray for Friday!!!!
I went home for lunch - my wife had grilled brats ready for the eating!! :D

While the capt would approve of the lunch menu - he probably wouldn't approve of the 22F temp today! It actually isn't so bad with enough layers ....

22 degrees? Interesting weather pattern when it's that much colder there than it is here.

Hooray for Friday!!!!
I went home for lunch - my wife had grilled brats ready for the eating!! :D

While the capt would approve of the lunch menu - he probably wouldn't approve of the 22F temp today! It actually isn't so bad with enough layers ....

That does sound good! not as good as knockwurst and CABs when it is 70 degrees, but a good attemp nonetheless!

22 degrees? Interesting weather pattern when it's that much colder there than it is here.
On November 6 in Southwest Lower Michigan…

"Snow and cold dominate the month of November across western Lower Michigan, especially the first week. The morning low of 12 degrees at Muskegon is the fifth consecutive daily record low temperature. Lake effect snow continues piling up at a record pace with more than two feet of snow falling at Grand Rapids in the first week of November."

j/k - that was from 11/6/1951 apparently - it was around 32 this a.m. (presently 46) - coulda been in the 20's further east this morning

Farewell my EB brethren! I'll try to check in, but I'm blowing this joint!

I don't know about fossil construction, but if he were working nuclear, one of those options would put him in fear of the random test.

TGIF! And to top it off, we are having a Thanksgiving lunch in the office today, so that means a ton of food and afternoon nap in the cube!
