Taking suggestions
Thanks for all the tips. we went back to just avocado and potato or avocado and pear for now. Probably try chicken and peas this weekend, once i get some from the store.
It is on the list of things to try just has to wait to get to the top of the list with the 3-4 days between new foods.Have you tried sweet potato? It's soft and has a light sweetness to it instead of blandness that most cereal type baby food has.
:blink:It would be quite ironic if minisnick does like sweet potatoes bc neither myself or mr snick like them.
Have you tried pickles yet? It's so funny to see the faces of my double dudes when give them dill pickles but they can't get enough of them.minisnicks facial expressions when trying new foods are great. He give this scrunched nose look like it is the worst thing he has ever tasted then proceeds to open his mouth for more.
That is about the age their growth slows down, and their appetite does too. Soon, you may be lucky to get one good meal down them per day.You may want to try making a big pot of chicken soup with some veggies and rice.... blend it up in a food processor until you have a fairly thick consistency (you can control the consistency by adding chicken broth)... We did that and the kids really liked it... blending your own winter squash also works if mini-snick doesn't like the jarred stuff.
My wife had told me once that it may take up to 10 tries before a child likes something... my twins (2-1/2) are interesting... my daughter will eat veal parm, pierogi's, steak, different cheeses, pickles, olives, etc... her twin brother won't try a damn thing!
Yep. Minisnick loves avocados, that was his first food other than rice cereal. He wont eat pears unless mixed with avocado. Sweet potatoes were the same way, but he has started eating them alone too. we try to mix avocado whenever we can, or makes sense.Have you tried avocados yet? Our kids loved them, and they have lots of healthy fats.