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Dang I was hoping no one saw that- btw THANKS for the heads up. I have no idea where the came from.

That was a rabbit, not a guinea pig. Sheesh.

^^Or that nutty squirrel thing in PE-ness's personal profile.

Actually, I can't see squishle's avatar at all. Our damn IT guys have gone nuclear on us, and blocked about half the internet. I'm surprised I can still get on EB.

There is supposed to be a point? I think it is in the challenge. I tried it and couldn't do it. :screwloose: I guess I am a traditionalist.:waitwall:
What do you mean "couldn't do it"? As in failure to perform? Maybe you just didn't have to go bad enough.

I'm thinking the slater (AKA the Raj or the Fonz) may be difficult for those with limited flexibility. After all, you have to open your legs to clear the tank. Now, let's say you're out in public and have the use of a tankless job - it might be easier to pull off, and no doubt would provide entertainment to your neighbors.

Of course, I just realized the pants have to come off - no hanging on the ankles - Fudgey may have mentioned this.

Oh. My. God. What the hell is the point of doing this and who told you to do it? Good grief.
PS- got the beltbuckle- it's awesome!
So Squishles, I think we should get together and compare belt buckles sometime. :eyebrows:

Anyway guys all is well on the love front. The Slatering business was just something I blew out of proportion in my head but didn't turn out to be much of anything. We both did our own family stuff at Christmas but I got back to town in time to hang out for New Year's. We went out for a nice meal (cost too damn much if you ask me) and then a comedy club. They had a toast at midnight then the show started. I got a mouthful of tongue at the toast so I am thinking she had already had just about enough. There were 4 acts, only the second one sucked, the others were real funny. We zonked out at my place afterwards and had a lazy day together on the first. I think this is going somewhere, which is good because I was starting to get real lonely this past year or so. I'm think I'm in wub. :wub:

That's awesome fudgey !! :plusone:

Keep us informed of how things on the romantic front are going! :) Now that you have conquered this V-Card thing ... how about the PE Exam? :) Are you thinking of an April or October date?


I'm thinking the slater (AKA the Raj or the Fonz) may be difficult for those with limited flexibility. After all, you have to open your legs to clear the tank. Now, let's say you're out in public and have the use of a tankless job - it might be easier to pull off, and no doubt would provide entertainment to your neighbors.
Of course, I just realized the pants have to come off - no hanging on the ankles - Fudgey may have mentioned this.
A bad back or bad knees may hinder this position. Then again, after having stopped at the gas station in the center of the Belt Parkway during my field stint, you learn how to 'hover' in certain bathrooms... doesn't what hurts and how bad, you hover!

A bad back or bad knees may hinder this position. Then again, after having stopped at the gas station in the center of the Belt Parkway during my field stint, you learn how to 'hover' in certain bathrooms... doesn't what hurts and how bad, you hover!
Seriously, try being a chick around a line of Port-a-potties. You have no idea the meaning of hover.

Seriously, try being a chick around a line of Port-a-potties. You have no idea the meaning of hover.

That's pretty funny! I think of the port-a-johns at the Lowes motor speedway every race....those things are so bad I almost don't want to STAND in them!

Fudgey, I think that's GREAT you're starting to move into a real relationship! although the stories won't be nearly as informative, and BTW.....I would keep this post a SECRET!!!

Seriously, try being a chick around a line of Port-a-potties. You have no idea the meaning of hover.
This gas station was the only place on the Belt Parkway between JFK Airport and the Verazano Bridge... I honestly don't know if it ever got cleaned. There was crap on the walls, the stalls, the floor, everything. I swear you could smell the place from the highway.... and at 6'-3", I guess it is more like being a bombardier than hovering.

My boss and I went to a Monday night Jets game a couple years back, it had to be 10 degrees if that warm at all. So after several beers I decided to go warm up in the Portojohn... Waiting on line, this one woman in the back yells "will you come on, you are guys, it shouldn't be taking you this long"... The drunk in front of me turned around and replied "Ma'am, it's about zero f'ing degrees and I have 5 layers of flannel on, it takes me a while to find it before I can use it"

Our rule of thumb for tailgating: bring a travel size pack of baby wipes and your own roll of TP.... just in case!

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They host the New England BBQ championships in my town each year. It's a really popular event, and they have about 20 porto-potties set up. Given the nature of the food and that it's held at a brewery, you can see how things might go downhill quickly. A couple years back it also rained 2+ inches that day. By mid-afternoon those things were a horror scene, all slimy and muddy. By the end of the day it was truly squalid.

Probably worse than any mobile crapper scenario I've seen was the men's room at Shea Stadium when I was there for a playoff game a couple years back. There was a couple inches of standing piss by the first pitch.

I must have seen this picture a dozen times before I realized she is in front of a row of porto potties


Remember the 80's classic TV show Saved by the Bell? AC Slater always sat backwards on a chair.

This is my first time reading it but this thread delivers.

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