I Got 999 First World Problems

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If you post a sketch on AVSforum.com, they've got some pretty keen guys there (including some pros) that are great about coming up with layouts, speaker positioning, where to install risers, etc.

+1 for AVSforum. I have the same type of beam running the length of my basement. The drywall covers that portion and then some very nice oak finish surrounding the support pole. The oak trim juts out a bit so that an outlet was installed there. I can always post some pics of this too.

I'd have to spend an unfathomable amount of money to add a basement.

I was getting estimates for about $25k to have a contractor finish the basement. A wetbar, a 3/4 bath, a home theatre, and a bunch of open space. I will probably end up doing most of it by myself, but will contract out the stuff I don't know how or don't want to do (like tape/texture, tile, some of the electrical, and plumbing). By doing it myself, I'm hoping to go with higher-end materials (hardwood floors, stone veneers, better cabinets, etc) and still come in under the $15k mark...

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Good luck with that. I finished about 800 sq. ft. in my basement. I did everything except the plumbing (1 full bath), drywall (hang/tape/texture/prime), and carpet. I still came in at around $15k after everything. And pretty much everything was low-end (cheapest tile, 2nd cheapest carpet, cheap light fixtures, etc.).

My monthly parking tag didn't work this morning, so I had to take a ticket (which I don't plan on paying for.)

The hexa-core CPU I've been eying up which will have been released for 3 years this Jan. is STILL $500-$600.

Sooooo very close to hacking the Galaxy S4 but am having trouble with the d@mn boot-loader.

Stuck with @#$%#$^& Time Warner and would really like Verizon FioS or Google Fiber instead.

kf, any truth to the rumor that wifi will replace cell service? Seems like popular mechanics (mabe science) had an article on this.

^ that would be tough but not impossible. However, Wi-Fi signals are much more susceptible to interference from other devices so practicality might come into play here too. I don't see it happening anytime in the very near future.

Supposedly, the signals are boosted. Dunno the specifics.....

Threw out my four head VCR that I bought in 1989. I got it for $300, marked down from $500. It didn't have Macrovision anti-copying hardware....

There's an annoying buzz sound coming from my car's exhaust. The dealership knows this is a common problem due to faulty baffles within the mufflers from the factory, but they won't fix mine because mine didn't become a problem until after the warranty expired...

Some bastid didn't clear the time on the microwave, so I had to press two buttons instead of one!
