--**-- Hangover Clinic --**--

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^ I'm actually really digging the iMac. It's taking a little while to relearn things, but I am enjoying the new setup.

And at least it's a cute dog
That's not even the actual Rupert in my av. I'm just an over the top Lab lover. He's laying on his back destroying a toy at this point.

oog...from what I can remember there was a lot of wine, champagne, amaretto sours, jager, beer, vodka and miscellaneous alcohol going in me last night. I'm never drinking again....

oog...from what I can remember there was a lot of wine, champagne, amaretto sours, jager, beer, vodka and miscellaneous alcohol going in me last night. I'm never drinking again....
uh huh. Sounds like a party! :multiplespotting:

oog...from what I can remember there was a lot of wine, champagne, amaretto sours, jager, beer, vodka and miscellaneous alcohol going in me last night. I'm never drinking again....

Are you willing to put money down on that?

I'm here and feeling good! Maybe not 100%, but close. My theory is that good wine, or whiskey, blended with fine cigar will never give you a hangover! Kind of God's way of saying he loves us; I think the same theory applies to bacon...Ms Freon won't be back for a couple more days, and I don't go to work till Thursday. I feel a little house cleaning urge coming on, followed by a trip to the golf course this afternoon.

I think I have a slight hangover from the 10+ beers I drank last night. Luckily my wife made me drink a couple glasses of water before I went to bed. I did post in the drunk tank too.

I don't really remember much from the party on Saturday :drunk1: but I had the mother of all hangovers yesterday. I don't recall ever having a hangover that bad :puke: - I almost made my hubby drive me to the hospital, but luckily by 8pm Sunday, i was finally able to keep water down.

I will never drink that much again on an empty stomach.

I will never drink that much again on an empty stomach.

I will never drink that much again on an empty stomach.

And now I have a cold :eek:ldman:

Ok, so my pregnant wifey-wife made me a pitcher of texas lemonade yesterday. it was good, and i think it was too good. but omg, no more vodka please.

I will speak for my daughter. She and her boyfriend went to a Halloween party last night. I had agreed to be their DD and take them to the party and pick them up. I got a phone call earlier than expected. Too many shots too fast. OH, NO! She doesn't want anything to eat this morning.

For the record, my daughter is of legal drinking age and I'm glad she is responsible enough to ask me to be the DD.

I don't really remember much from the party on Saturday :drunk1: but I had the mother of all hangovers yesterday. I don't recall ever having a hangover that bad :puke: - I almost made my hubby drive me to the hospital, but luckily by 8pm Sunday, i was finally able to keep water down.
I have been there before .... had that moment nearly 15 yrs ago! Never been that sick since that moment. :)

Hopefully you will recovery soon from everything! Took me nearly two weeks to escape the effects of the hangover ... longer for my friends to become not so angry with me!


I will speak for my daughter. She and her boyfriend went to a Halloween party last night. I had agreed to be their DD and take them to the party and pick them up. I got a phone call earlier than expected. Too many shots too fast. OH, NO! She doesn't want anything to eat this morning.
For the record, my daughter is of legal drinking age and I'm glad she is responsible enough to ask me to be the DD.
That is very responsible of your daughter (to request a DD, not the fast consumption of shots :wacko: ). Since no one in our group wants to be a DD, we always end up crashing at the house of the party.

I have been there before .... had that moment nearly 15 yrs ago! Never been that sick since that moment. :)
Hopefully you will recovery soon from everything! Took me nearly two weeks to escape the effects of the hangover ... longer for my friends to become not so angry with me!

Yeah, I don't think anyone was angry with me, just concerned. My stomach was back to normal by 11pm that evening, but it took a full week to get caught up on my sleep. I think my "cold" was just allergies - mold is really bad right now.

We went to another party last night (Halloween party obviously) and as usual, flip cup became the activity of the night. I hadn't been really drinking because of last weekend, but I can never resist flip cup. I could have played flip cup all night, but everyone else was dropping like flies. It was fun, and I don't have a hangover because I didn't drink anything else besides the game beer. Other people were not so lucky and were not feeling well this morning.

I got attacked by an army of White Russians at a wedding this weekend. I'm not really hungover any more, but I am nursing 2 drinking injuries...3 if you count the re-injury of my back.
