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talk about a pounding headache..... but I did find the bottom of the bottle last night.

Getting shitfaced Friday night moving yesterday until close to midnight was probably not such a good idea for this 40-year-old body

I'm surprised not to see Ble in here. He seemed to hit it hard last night. Including opening a bottle of antiquated champagne due to his beer stock running out. LOL


That's cause y'all are old for real...

You're older than me... :poking:

had this come from anyone else, I would not have laughed so hard... (of course I could be mistaken about the year, in which case you were just born in the wrong decade and can shush and learn how to respect your elders)... however you did forget a key factor in that a person ages at an expedited rate of 1.3 for each child until said children turn 10- then at a rate of 1.1 until the child turns 15 years (unless it's a girl and then it depends, but could possibly be as early as 12 years of age) at which time it jumps up to a rate of 1.5 times the normal aging process

So- if you go back and do the math, weather I'm three days or a year and three days (heck even more than that), you are still older than me...

I was at a restaurant last night and they had an alcoholic drink with thyme as one of the main ingredients. I was going to take a pic of it on the menu and forgot. THYME!
