--**-- Hangover Clinic --**--

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^^ that was kinda mean... considering that the man is suffering... perhaps he had intended to make ramen with it, but got distracted by the draw of string cheese and buttered bread... I mean, come on, buttered bread and string cheese is ALMOST as good as cheese toast... almost...

Painting the bathroom while intoxicated was probably not the best idea. My arms look like smurf arms and I fell in the tuband have the worst bruise on my back from it... not to mention I have a pounding headache. I should have gone to bed when the going was good...

its more of a vacation hangover but I can't get my brain to start working this morning. Not enough rum in my system now that it's back to reality.

its more of a vacation hangover but I can't get my brain to start working this morning. Not enough rum in my system now that it's back to reality.
I remember feeling the same way when we came back from our honeymoon in St. Lucia. "What do you mean I can't have a rum punch with my breakfast?!" LOL

<<<<<<is going through Rum withdrawl...that or a really bad storm is approaching. Super evil headache today


I spent the day yesterday rehydrating...you should never drink with people who are more than ten years younger than you and more than ten years older then you at the same time.

Prayed to the porcellain gods yesterday morning. Mrs Dex and I went to the county fair back in her hometown, and spent the better part of Saturday night in the "beer garden". Didn't get into bed until well after 1am, then got woken up at 6am by the damn dog. Couldn't go back to sleep because the room was way too hot and decided it wanted to go spinning for a while, so I relocated to the bathroom floor. Laid there for maybe 10 minutes before the bathroom started spinning and convinced me that the over-priced beer and carnival food from the night before was not going to stay down.

Good news was that after a couple minutes of that, I felt well enough to go back to bed and sleep until 11.
