Fitness Thread

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But, I assume each state still has to give some sort of OK for it to happen? I see that one is in Florida - I did see some other August events in other states cancelled?  

But if there are no sandbag or bucket carries I wonder if the rope climbs are getting the axe also?

And honestly I never really cared for the water obstacles, those sucked in the army and just didnt bring back any positive memories..:D

Well See! I just mainly want the doucehbaggy t shirt...
I thought you'd like the part where they don't want anyone from the medical community coming to a race. 

Bucket carries seemed like something to keep. It's an easy surface to wipe down. A rig or a wooden climbing ladder is not. 

So for Spartan races, that leaves what - bunny hopping over a Duraflame log after an intense jogging session?
Don't forget the 700 burpees. 

I have really lost interest to be honest. I was just at a different fitness standpoint 3 months ago, I think the 2 months of drinking didn't help either, but my calluses are starting to come back.

I wont mention to the wife the part about medical people being boycotted, but I wonder if I could use that to get my money back?

Did you get an actual email from them specific to the Denver one? I didn't see anything. (but may have missed it)

I have really lost interest to be honest. I was just at a different fitness standpoint 3 months ago, I think the 2 months of drinking didn't help either, but my calluses are starting to come back.

I wont mention to the wife the part about medical people being boycotted, but I wonder if I could use that to get my money back?

Did you get an actual email from them specific to the Denver one? I didn't see anything. (but may have missed it)
Yeah, I am still on home gym status and not getting any closer to a rope climb or really anything that involves hanging from my hands. 

It sounds like, from the rumblings on the internet, that no one has been getting their money back. This means that I'll have killed a second OCR series. Tough Mudder is next. 

I didn't. I got this in an email, but it just took me to the Florida one. I think they are banking on changes by August. That said, Bolder Boulder just canceled their postponed race that was to have been held on Labor Day and also canceled Fortitude in Fort Collins. Colfax Marathon, originally scheduled for May 17, is still on hold and no word on if it's this fall or next spring. 

The thought of doing an obstacle, washing my hands, running, doing an obstacle, washing my hands, repeat does not appeal to me at all. They tried hosting a virtual something this weekend and I passed. I pay my gym perfectly good money to torture me each morning. 

That is what I thought when I saw those races cancelled - but those are much larger events I guess?

I think you have trees in your yard but my climbing rope was only $25 bucks (amazon) it is mostly technique 

also i commend you for sticking with the home work outs, I was so over my garage workouts, I was just about to give it up..

also i commend you for sticking with the home work outs, I was so over my garage workouts, I was just about to give it up..
Keep in mind that my gym Zoom calls me at least three times a week. I totally have a coach watching form, yelling, "Get it, girl!" and I can hear where the other people are at in the workout. The workouts on my own are much less punchy than the ones with someone yelling at me. 

That does make it a little more fun -  I only did a few zoom workouts because I spend 8 hours a day on them and it just sort of  made it very un fun to do them in my free time!

I am guessing our gym lost around 30% of his members based on who hasn't shown up either on the regular classes or the at home workouts, we still have a handful doing the home workouts -

Our classes are still limited to 4 and really not many filling up - more middle of the day and 4 pm are full that used to be empty, assuming because more people are at home.

That does make it a little more fun -  I only did a few zoom workouts because I spend 8 hours a day on them and it just sort of  made it very un fun to do them in my free time!

I am guessing our gym lost around 30% of his members based on who hasn't shown up either on the regular classes or the at home workouts, we still have a handful doing the home workouts -

Our classes are still limited to 4 and really not many filling up - more middle of the day and 4 pm are full that used to be empty, assuming because more people are at home.
We can have 10 per class and the f-ing 5 a.m. is always packed. Sounds like the 6:15 a.m. is full of people who reserve, but never show up, so it's usually like 4 people. I've been pretty tempted to rearrange my work schedule to take advantage of that one. I think I could still be in by 8. 

I’ve been going back at 5- the regulars haven’t made there way back yet - trying to get the body back used to it..

I didn’t notice the two names on the sign up list this am and it was two “ringers” - females who looked like they have been to the “games” I guess they know our owner from a former life and normally work out at Roots (apparently some famous gym in boulder) but it’s not 100% open or something but let’s just say it was pretty embarrassing—- them doing a legit 20 lbs more than me for everything (except the rower, I kicked there ass on that) - hopefully they won’t be back //

It's nuts!  When I got Mrs. Supe's bike, I called them at 11:00 when they opened on the Tuesday after Memorial Day.  They had received a shipment of 20 that morning.  We picked her bike up at 4:30 in the pouring rain.  They had sold 13 of the 20 entry level mountain bikes by the time we walked in!  

Trying our second set of trails tonight.  Paid the 10/mo family membership for the local greenway, so hopefully it's worth it!  It's rated as intermediate, but I suspect it will not be nearly as bad as the one we rode last weekend considering its their easiest trail.  Should be a little over 3 miles.

The guy that owns the bike shop we used to use has been posting semi crazy messages on FB - you can tell he is overwhelmed but he has been saying things like “hey sorry if we seem short with you when you come in - we are swamped - we lost employees who didn’t come back/ hard to find techs/ please have patience” etc

Then he’ll go off on anyone who asks him a question - can’t be good for business

I feel like if you are that overwhelmed, you should probably just post that you're closed temporarily to take care of your backlog, and then open again in two weeks or so.  I think you're way less likely to piss people off that way, since they're going to be stuck waiting no matter where you go.

Trying our second set of trails tonight.  Paid the 10/mo family membership for the local greenway, so hopefully it's worth it!  It's rated as intermediate, but I suspect it will not be nearly as bad as the one we rode last weekend considering its their easiest trail.  Should be a little over 3 miles.
How does a greenway membership work? We have a ton of greenway trails in town, but they are all city. Do you have a permit you carry? 

The bike shop I use in Fort Collins is open by appointment only right now. I told the guy that it was weird going in there and not seeing him trying to do 72 things at once. He laughed and said it's been nice. He's still really busy, but having the chaos removed has been nice. 

reading between the lines (on FB) it appears his two techs realized during the shut down they could make a good living doing mobile bike repair and have not come back to work - so I think he lost out on his two main guys and has had a bitch of a time replacing them, Ive been meaning to go by there just to see if he still has 500 bikes out on the front of his shop like he used to, he had a huge inventory, but was always a little off when I would go in (Derby Bike Shop for you semi locals)

How does a greenway membership work? We have a ton of greenway trails in town, but they are all city. Do you have a permit you carry? 
Most of the greenways around here are free/city owned and maintained (and are all paved or gravel with walking bridges). 

This particular one has something like 36 miles of trails on 2100 acres, and was started on land owned by Anne Springs Close (  So to pay for the maintenance/upkeep/preservation, it's $5 daily pass or you can pay for a "membership".  They send you cards for each family member, and you just have to show the cards at the shack prior to entering the trails, be it walking, horse, or bike.  I think she has the land set up in some kind of trust so that even after she dies, they can't buy/develop the land for anything else.  
