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Here it comes.

I waited until now and cannot hold it any longer because of fear of jinx and what if something went wrong. We are expecting our first baby. My wife is on her 24th week. The expected date is 25th july (dont know how they calculate it, more than 40 wks). All the tests and ultrasounds until now are good. We are so excited.

Congrats, Tex. Hope everything continues to go well. The delivery date is an estimate and may be fine-tuned later.

Here it comes.
I waited until now and cannot hold it any longer because of fear of jinx and what if something went wrong. We are expecting our first baby. My wife is on her 24th week. The expected date is 25th july (dont know how they calculate it, more than 40 wks). All the tests and ultrasounds until now are good. We are so excited.

Congrats! :multiplespotting:

Thx All.

I had one question. Our doctor wanted us to pay the doctor delivery charges by the 5th month and also wanted us to pre-register at the hospital at that time. I found it to be very unusual. Is it the norm everywhere?

I am not sure about the doctor delivery charges, but we did go ahead and pre-register at the hospital. We actually went in, had a C-section, stayed for two days, went home......without paying a dime. The hospital sent me a bill for the deductible.

Pre-registering I suppose would eliminate the paperwork if you were having a natural delivery. My wife registered online. Who the hell knows??

I am all for pre-registering early. But having to pay much before anything is done is unaccpetable to me. Will the doctor refund me the fee if we decide to change doctor or (dont want to say .......) happens? The hospital where we will be pre-registering is Women's Hospital of TX which is only a mile away from our home.

Thx All.
I had one question. Our doctor wanted us to pay the doctor delivery charges by the 5th month and also wanted us to pre-register at the hospital at that time. I found it to be very unusual. Is it the norm everywhere?
As ktulu said, I am not sure about the delivery charges. We got billed after the delivery. :eek:hmy: As far as pre-registering goes, we were automatically pre-registered by the OBGYN, which was nice. I had this question as well, and as I recall, it is HIGHLY recommended, especially for natural deliveries. Since it is your first, and I just went through it in February, I can tell you that even if delivery is induced, or if you are having a C-section, you will be too nervous to really do anything. I drove my wife and I to the hospital to be induced. I don't remember the drive at all...all I remember about it is thinking 'Don't wreck, don't wreck, don't wreck' the entire time there.

BTW, CONGRATULATIONS!!! :multiplespotting: :party-smiley-048: :woot:

Could the dr delivery charge could be all the prenatal care? I know my my insurance has a onetime fee for all the prenatal dr visits.

Could the dr delivery charge could be all the prenatal care? I know my my insurance has a onetime fee for all the prenatal dr visits.
Thats what i dont understand. We paid only once for prenatal visit and have not paid any since. I am going to ask the doctor during the regular checkup this week all these questions before I pay. I have also sent email to my insurance company regarding the payment dates.

In our case, our OB charges office visits every month. When we're done with every visit payment, their charges are covered. It's kind of a pay as you go plan. It helps them and you don't get a fat bill at the end from them...

However, the hospital, etc. are separate and will still have to be covered when that time comes.

We just went with the home pregnancy test.
:eek:rlyflag: .. and now you are going to leave us hanging eh?

We have our (supposed to be 20 wk) 24 week ultrasound tomorrow morning. My wife is a little nervous, but I'm feeling pretty good... We might even be able to find out the sex. Up to now, the little stinker has been crossing it's legs!!!
Good luck Touchdown and best wishes to you and the Mrs. and the rest of the family! :multiplespotting:

Oh well, only 3 more weeks!
Wow ... hang in there !! Best wishes !! :multiplespotting:

I waited until now and cannot hold it any longer because of fear of jinx and what if something went wrong. We are expecting our first baby. My wife is on her 24th week. The expected date is 25th july (dont know how they calculate it, more than 40 wks). All the tests and ultrasounds until now are good. We are so excited.
Congrats and best wishes to you and Mrs TexasPE !! :multiplespotting: :multiplespotting:


Congrats TexasPE! :multiplespotting:

As far as the date goes, they usually calculate it from the first day of the last menstral cycle... so according to that timeline, a woman is about 2wks pregnant at the time of conception :blink: but, if a woman is not "regular", they'll set the due date based from measurements taken on early ultrasounds. Overall, the "official date" doesn't matter that much... it's all +/- a couple of weeks anyway!

I am now at 18 days and counting... my doc will not let me go more than 12 days past my due date... so he could show up today... or any time in the next 30!

Congrats TexasPE! :multiplespotting:
As far as the date goes, they usually calculate it from the first day of the last menstral cycle... so according to that timeline, a woman is about 2wks pregnant at the time of conception :blink: but, if a woman is not "regular", they'll set the due date based from measurements taken on early ultrasounds. Overall, the "official date" doesn't matter that much... it's all +/- a couple of weeks anyway!

I am now at 18 days and counting... my doc will not let me go more than 12 days past my due date... so he could show up today... or any time in the next 30!
Thanks TX. Hope everything goes well with you. Keep the faith and be ready :p10940623: .

As far as the date goes, they usually calculate it from the first day of the last menstral cycle... so according to that timeline, a woman is about 2wks pregnant at the time of conception
That was news to me when I learned that during my experiences as co-pilot to Mrs. Deadbeat - of course I argued that based on that reasoning a healthy, sexually-inactive woman is pregnant 50% of the time.

That was news to me when I learned that during my experiences as co-pilot to Mrs. Deadbeat - of course I argued that based on that reasoning a healthy, sexually-inactive woman is pregnant 50% of the time.
Hmmm... interesting way of looking at it!

After this one it won't matter for me anyway... one of us is getting snipped! 2 "oopsies" (while on birth control) is enough for anyone!

Thx All.
I had one question. Our doctor wanted us to pay the doctor delivery charges by the 5th month and also wanted us to pre-register at the hospital at that time. I found it to be very unusual. Is it the norm everywhere?
Congratulations TexasPE !!! :multiplespotting:

As far as paying the delivery charges by the 5th month, that's strange. Of course, things could have changed in the last 10 years. When we had our babies, we just payed for the initial doctor's visit. The insurance took care of all of the other costs (all prenatal visits, the postnatal visit, all hospital charges).

As far as pre-registering, I think our doctor's office took care of it. They just told us that when we were ready to deliver to go to "so-and-so" hospital. For our first baby, the hospital was right across the street from the doctor's office. For the rest of our babies, the doctor's office and hospital were in the same building.
