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Hmmm... interesting way of looking at it!
After this one it won't matter for me anyway... one of us is getting snipped! 2 "oopsies" (while on birth control) is enough for anyone!
I don't want to get too personal, but I would recommend that you get snipped, not your husband. Snipping sometimes doesn't work for the man. I knew a guy once... (here we go again) ... who was snipped, then his wife got pregnant. He accused her of cheating on him. Things escalated and divorce proceedings started. Genetic testing was part of the proceedings. Turns out the baby was his; his vasectomy didn't take. But it was too late, and their marriage was broken up.


He was kind of an ******* anyway.

Hmmm... interesting way of looking at it!
After this one it won't matter for me anyway... one of us is getting snipped! 2 "oopsies" (while on birth control) is enough for anyone!
be sure to relate that to your kids when they get older it's a real bond builder. :laugh: I'm just teasing you.

I was petrified when my wife told me we were expecting #2. There's only 18 mos. between my two sons.

be sure to relate that to your kids when they get older it's a real bond builder. :laugh: I'm just teasing you. I was petrified when my wife told me we were expecting #2. There's only 18 mos. between my two sons.
My sister and I are only 18 months apart too...but it was two grade levels different in school. It was nice being close in age so we still had common interests.

My sister and I are only 18 months apart too...but it was two grade levels different in school. It was nice being close in age so we still had common interests.
I have two little cousins that are 10 months apart. No ****.

I have a friend who just had her 2nd... when her first was only 8 months old! Basically, she had the first and was breastfeeding. Started "relations" with her hubby after 6weeks but did not use birth control (because she was told that she wouldn't get pregnant while breastfeeding). There ended up being complications with the 2nd pregnancy and that baby came 10 weeks early.

It turns out that their birthdays are such that they probably won't be in the same class at school or anything like that... but it's still kinda crazy!

Also, a quick update on me...

My doc finally agreed that I shouldn't be working anymore, so yesterday was my last day. :multiplespotting: Now, I'm hoping the little guy gives me at least a week to relax, but we all know that babies do things on their own schedule, so who knows?

I have a friend who just had her 2nd... when her first was only 8 months old! Basically, she had the first and was breastfeeding. Started "relations" with her hubby after 6weeks but did not use birth control (because she was told that she wouldn't get pregnant while breastfeeding). There ended up being complications with the 2nd pregnancy and that baby came 10 weeks early.
It turns out that their birthdays are such that they probably won't be in the same class at school or anything like that... but it's still kinda crazy!

Also, a quick update on me...

My doc finally agreed that I shouldn't be working anymore, so yesterday was my last day. :multiplespotting: Now, I'm hoping the little guy gives me at least a week to relax, but we all know that babies do things on their own schedule, so who knows?
a friend of friend of mine was told by the doctor that she would be able to have kids naturally. she used in vitro and had triplets. one year later she had another one b/c they relied on the doctors advise. 25 years old and 4 kids under 2. I couldn't even imagine.

I'm from a family of 8 children. The middle 6 are very closely spaced. There is 16 months between #2 and #3 (me); 21 months between #3 and #4; 17 mos. betw 4 & 5; 11 mos. betw 5 & 6; 12.5 mos. betw 6 & 7. My mom was an amazing person. There were many years she had 3 in diapers. Back then it was cloth diapers and no diaper services. She always had more than enough love to go around. There was always too much to do, but as long as we were loved, a late meal or a pile of laundry didn't seem to make a difference.

Just checking in... no baby yet! I am now 8 days away from my due date, and I'm starting to get a little anxious.

Also, I wanted to wish this week's test-takers the best of luck... and remind you to RELAX this week! It's unlikely that cramming this week will help, but getting a couple of good nights of sleep probably won't hurt!

Just checking in... no baby yet! I am now 8 days away from my due date, and I'm starting to get a little anxious.
Also, I wanted to wish this week's test-takers the best of luck... and remind you to RELAX this week! It's unlikely that cramming this week will help, but getting a couple of good nights of sleep probably won't hurt!
There should be a baby Tex now. Anybody heard anything? Hey, TXengrChickPE, let us know how you are.

It's all good. That's my sense of humor; I would make the same kinda comment.

Well, while we wait for TX to check in, we had our 2 month shots today. She was NOT a happy camper....

She weighs in at 11.5 pounds!! Growing like a weed.

Little Tex wanted to stay where he was... so he got himself evicted yesterday! His name is Sean Joseph and he was 8lb 4oz and 19.5in long.

I got to the hospital at about 5:20am for my scheduled induction. They put me on the monitors and found that I was already having contractions every 5-7 minutes... but I wasn't really feeling them. The pitocin was started at 6:05am. I kept scaring my nurse with some crazy low blood pressure readings (like 60/40!). The nurse I had for most of the day was pretty new and was used to patients with high blood pressure... but had never had one with pressures as low as mine. They finally pumped me so full of IV fluid that it was staying at about 90/60, which is pretty close to normal for me. Around 9am, my contractions were 3 minutes apart and I asked for my epidural. I napped on and off for the next couple of hours. I could still feel the contractions, but they didn't hurt any more... until about 2pm when I started having REALLY bad back labor pains. It was really weird because the skin in that area of my back was numb from the epidural, but the contractions were horrible. They finally had me lay in this weird position for a while which apparently got the little guy to change positions so it took the pressure off my back. Around 3pm I was 9cm dilated and ready to push, so we started. But, every time I pushed through a contraction, Sean's heartrate would drop from the 130s to the 80s. So, they had me stop pushing through the contractions for about an hour. We started back up at 4pm and he tolerated the pushing a lot better. I pushed for about an hour before he finally made his appearance exactly 11 hours after the pitocin started, at 5:05pm. Sean has this funny, lopsided cone-head thing going because he was sideways in the birth canal for so long. But, his Apgar scores were 9 and 9, and we're both doing well... so we can live with a lopsided cone-head for a while :D

We are still in the hospital, we should be discharged tomorrow (Saturday). I'm using my old laptop and I can't get my camera to download, so I'll post pictures after we get home.

We are still in the hospital, we should be discharged tomorrow (Saturday). I'm using my old laptop and I can't get my camera to download, so I'll post pictures after we get home.
Congrats !!!! :multiplespotting: :multiplespotting:

Best wishes to you, Mr. Tex, Little Tex and the rest of the family! :)


ALRIGHT!!!! Glad to know that everything turned out great. Congratulations on the new addition!!!



posting within 24 hours! way to go TX! :appl:

and congrats on your boy! :multiplespotting:

that pitocin kicked our butts when we had our daughter. I know you need to keep things moving, but why don't they prepare you for the tidalwaves?

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