EB Mafia

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OHMAGAWD the puppy looks so much bigger in the first pic lmaoooo

A rental van is conveniently left in the parking lot at the base of the mountain for the next leg of their adventure. The group plays rock paper scissors to determine who has to ride bitch in each row. 

@JayKay PEforgot to do roll call, so they're all piled into the van and @Dothrackistarts driving southeast. A few hours into the drive, @vhab49_PEstarts to get hungry. She is peering from the middle seat out the windows in search for a place to grab a snack, when she notices a cooler in the back. Excited to see what treats may have been prepared for them, she pops the cooler open. Inside is plastic wrapped body parts. @vhab49_PEscreams and the van screeches to a hault.

After some frantic reassessing who is present and who is not, @jean15paul_PEis that who is not. @jean15paul_PEwas killed by the mafia. 
I though @Audi driver, P.E. was the Audi driver...

Walter. We adopted him; he's a rescue. His name was "Walter White" which I wasn't really feeling, but we called him "Walter" throughout the adoption process, so my son decided to stick with it. Walter, not "Walter White". (His brother's name is Jesse Pinkman.)
haha. what would be the pup equivalent of meth. Get them cooking.

I am glad you did not name him Tuco. That would be a difficult dog to manage. 

I'm trying to 👻👻👻 happens every time I 👻👻. . My reads are 👻👻👻👻 UUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe they're just in the cat-nip trade. Is there a dog-nip? 

Good job on maf kill yesterday. Thank you for your sacrifice @jean15paul_PE

Looks like there's a Chaosmuppet dogpile starting today. Is there a reason? I don't think I remember seeing any posts from him. Too quiet?
