EB Mafia

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You're in good company, I think almost everyone in this thread are millennials with the oldest among us in the Xennial sub-generation. 
I might be the grandfather of the group.  I'm old enough to remember getting REAL food on flights (like baked chicken with mashed potatoes and dessert) and no, I've never flown on first class.

Others just nod their head like that's fucking helpful.

Good thing you answered me this time, you didn't answer me yesterday so I thought you was maf. 
like I said earlier, I would prefer to prove my towniess via my actions. But nothing has happened this round that I could use a proof of my townie alignment. Typically its like day three before that opportunity arises.

(this was written betterish before but i got work to do!)

@JayKay PE looks around to do a headcount and isn't coming up with the same number as she thought she needed. Sighing in annoyance as she was very much looking forward to hitting up the pastry shop Caffi Nieli for some delightful treats and she's about to get hangry. She pulls her clipboard that is attached to her lisa frank lanyard and starts reading off names. Some people try to come up with clever responses when their name is called. Others just nod their head like that's fucking helpful.

There's no answer for @jean15paul_PE. Everyone spreads out, calling out his name. Someone notices one of the parachutes looks suspiciously to be in the shape of a body, and it's moving. They go to investigate, cutting the ropes that have been knotted around the object with their TSA-missed multitool. 

@jean15paul_PE lets out a weird noise that noone knows if it's a growl, a scream or a yelp, and gasps for air. He was saved by the doctor. Noone died last night. 
Thank you mystery doc!

Right in the middle of their dry chicken or cheesy pasta meals, the turbulence starts to be more than uncomfortable and a shaky voice makes announcement comes over the loud speaker. "uh... There's backpacks with parachutes attached under your seats. I suggest you grab one and exit the plane." alarms start going off and everyone panics. Salty was struggling to get his backpack on and was blocking the exit door. @DuranDuranI and @vhab49_PElock eyes and nod, pushing @SaltySteveto his death. Everyone jumps after and deploys their parachutes miraculously deploy at the proper altitude after a few minutes of the soon to be liquid body of salty. They were over Wales, and drifted slowly down into a huge pasture in  Llanfairpwllgwyngyll; short for llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. 

@SaltyStevewas a normal townsperson. 
Wait... Llanfairpwllgwyngyll is a real place???? I figured @tj_PE was just being funny and mashing the keyboard.


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