EB Mafia

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Ohh I've been there before! Or rather I drove past it. As I recall everything in North Wales has unpronounceable town names.

Do we go south to Portmerion or east along the coast to Liverpool? 
It was on my list! 

In my og itinerary I flew to Heathrow and drove to Liverpool to pick up my friendos then to walessssssss

I will always have a special place in my lower intestine for @DuranDuran

also, @tj_PE, I better have been in first class getting my coconut water and sparkling water and mineral water. I am very parched when I fly. 
You had bubbly. You flew for free AND got to skydive. Demand less, receive more. 

This plane had meals on it? What year is this? And where were we headed before bailing out over Wales? So many questions.
I think this storyline is going to be fun. Parachuting into Wales, that leaves Amsterdam as an original destination (potentially)... Potential departure sites include Chicago, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, New York, Washington DC or Boston (among others).
It seems like we are more focused on finding out more about the story than who could be mafia, of which I am not. But I guess it is only the second day.

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I will always have a special place in my lower intestine for @DuranDuran

also, @tj_PE, I better have been in first class getting my coconut water and sparkling water and mineral water. I am very parched when I fly. 
You had bubbly. You flew for free AND got to skydive. Demand less, receive more. 

Day 1 analysis:

Some random votes (Dothraki aka Ryankon at cheby) and retaliatory votes (JP and Bly, Salty and Vhab) but nothing really telling.

Salty a victim of past performance?  I voted for him because it seemed like he was pretending to believe this was Dothraki's first game.  I just had a feeling in my lower intenstine Salty might be mafia again but I was wrong (again!). 

No clues hinting anyone being cop or doc (too early anyway).  Most of the convo revolved around flight destinations.  

Day 1 analysis:

Some random votes (Dothraki aka Ryankon at cheby) and retaliatory votes (JP and Bly, Salty and Vhab) but nothing really telling.

Salty a victim of past performance?  I voted for him because it seemed like he was pretending to believe this was Dothraki's first game.  I just had a feeling in my lower intenstine Salty might be mafia again but I was wrong (again!). 

No clues hinting anyone being cop or doc (too early anyway).  Most of the convo revolved around flight destinations.  
I haven't been following much the past couple weeks. I was just trying to be welcoming! jeez.



(this was written betterish before but i got work to do!)

@JayKay PE looks around to do a headcount and isn't coming up with the same number as she thought she needed. Sighing in annoyance as she was very much looking forward to hitting up the pastry shop Caffi Nieli for some delightful treats and she's about to get hangry. She pulls her clipboard that is attached to her lisa frank lanyard and starts reading off names. Some people try to come up with clever responses when their name is called. Others just nod their head like that's fucking helpful.

There's no answer for @jean15paul_PE. Everyone spreads out, calling out his name. Someone notices one of the parachutes looks suspiciously to be in the shape of a body, and it's moving. They go to investigate, cutting the ropes that have been knotted around the object with their TSA-missed multitool. 

@jean15paul_PE lets out a weird noise that noone knows if it's a growl, a scream or a yelp, and gasps for air. He was saved by the doctor. Noone died last night. 

(this was written betterish before but i got work to do!)

@JayKay PE looks around to do a headcount and isn't coming up with the same number as she thought she needed. Sighing in annoyance as she was very much looking forward to hitting up the pastry shop Caffi Nieli for some delightful treats and she's about to get hangry. She pulls her clipboard that is attached to her lisa frank lanyard and starts reading off names. Some people try to come up with clever responses when their name is called. Others just nod their head like that's fucking helpful.

There's no answer for @jean15paul_PE. Everyone spreads out, calling out his name. Someone notices one of the parachutes looks suspiciously to be in the shape of a body, and it's moving. They go to investigate, cutting the ropes that have been knotted around the object with their TSA-missed multitool. 

@jean15paul_PE lets out a weird noise that noone knows if it's a growl, a scream or a yelp, and gasps for air. He was saved by the doctor. Noone died last night. 
Great save Doc!
