EB Mafia

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@tj_PE dragged everyone into the cafe - they were at the end of the top floor, after all, and she was hungry for some swedish meatballs! The group wandered in after her, relishing being able to sit down for a few minutes. The group got their lunches, some got lingonberry juice to drink, others had coffee or iced tea. @chart94 even picked up a slice of strawberry cake to go with his meatballs. Everyone sits and eats in companionable silence, until @vhab49_PE starts to choke. @txjennah PE tries the Heimlich maneuver, but only succeeds in choking @vhab49_PE more - the hands go under the rib cage, not around the throat! Unfortunately, @vhab49_PE dies from a swedish meatball.


@vhab49_PE was lynched by the town. She was normal townsfolk.

remaining players: @txjennah PE @JayKay PE @chart94 @DuranDuran

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@chart94 is the remaining mafia.  I was paying too much attention to @vhab49_PE's actions/words and not the votes.

I went back to page 739 to see what happened on Day 1, which is most telling.

7:43pm:  There is a tie between @RBHeadge PE (cheby, audi) and @Audi driver, P.E. (duran, roar) at 2 votes each.  @ryankon518 (RB) has 1 vote.

7:44pm:  Ryan votes for @Roarbark to put him on the board.

7:53pm:  @DuranDuran changes vote to @ryankon518 to create the two-way between Ryan and RBHeadge.

7:55pm:  @txjennah PE casts her vote for Ryan, giving him the lead with 5 mins to go and effectively giving TxJennah townie status.

7:58pm:  This is interesting, and it leads me on the path to target @vhab49_PE.  She makes the comments, "Should I vote for Roar to tie things up.  Is Salty playing?"  But she doesn't vote.  A vote for Roar would be meaningless, since @ryankon518 already had 3 votes with 2 minutes to go.  Had she been mafia, she could have voted for Ryan to give herself cover if she thought his situation was hopeless.  Or she could have voted with @ChebyshevII PE and @Audi driver, P.E. to re-create the tie between RBHeadge and Ryan and possibly save her teammate, but she didn't.  Voting for RBHeadge would be risky since it would appear to create an alliance with Audi.  Anyway, she does nothing.

7:59pm:  @chart94 votes for Roar, but why?  With one minute to go, Ryan has 3 votes to 2 vs. RBHeadge, and Audi and Roar have 1 each.  Voting for Roar does nothing.  If Chart is mafia, the obvious vote is for RB to try to save Ryan.  

7:59pm:  @ryankon518 casts his only vote of the night, at the lat minute and the last vote for @RBHeadge PE, creating the 3-3 tie.  If Chart and Ryan are communicating, they could both vote for RBHeadge and be done with it, but with Audi also voting for RB, it would create too much suspicion, especially on Day 1.  The safer bet is to let Chart vote elsewhere to appear random and let Ryan take his chances with a saving vote.

What's interesting is Chart seems engaged, voting at the last minute with Ryan and is notably quiet the rest of the round.  

@JayKay PE has also been quiet in terms of voting, but she did vote for Audi on day 4 (Monday).  Her non-voting on Day 1 leads me to believe she's townie.

@MadamPirate PE if I lived through the night, I vote for @chart94

@tj_PE blows through cookware and tableware, saying what she has at home is just fine, but that she NEEDS a new rug from Home Textiles. The slowly dwindling group ambles behind her, when @DuranDuran asks, "Hey, where's @txjennah PE?" @tj_PE responds that she was going to hit the restroom and catch up with the group. Accepting that answer, they continue on, looking at rugs in Home Textiles. @tj_PE picks out a rug, and tries to lift it herself. "Oof, this is super heavy. Hey @DuranDuran, can you give me a hand?" @DuranDuran nods, and goes to help @tj_PE lift the rug and put it into her cart. "Jeez, this rug is WAY heavier than it should be..." The rug starts to unroll, and @tj_PE and @DuranDuran lose control of it. Out drops the body of @txjennah PE. @tj_PE shoves the rug back in the display, grabs a different one and high tails out of there.

@txjennah PE was killed by the mafia.

remaining players: @JayKay PE @chart94 @DuranDuran
