EB Mafia

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"...before the test in October." Is that 2020 or 2021? LOL

I shouldn't joke like that. I know this is super hard on people trying to sit for exams.

If they cancel this test again you will hear me scream from... where I am........ to where you are. Except Maybe Roar.  He far away.


If they cancel this test again you will hear me scream from... where I am........ to where you are. Except Maybe Roar.  He far away.

Good luck


If they cancel this test again you will hear me scream from... where I am........ to where you are. Except Maybe Roar.  He far away.
I doubt I'd hear it from Alaska, but I'll be listening...

It's been a while since we've seen a picture of either moo. 

Also, I hope it does not come to that, or if it does, it is sooner than later.  I don't want to sacrifice all of my summer if it is gonna get whacked.
super and i were talking about this today. he thinks 75% cancellation probable

you're taking the SE right?
That's the one that "essay" questions, right? (Regular Civil PE is multiple choice?)
Also why do they call them "essay" questions? Seems like "show your work" is more correct.

I wonder how they will (eventually) CBT the SE exam?

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It’ll be interesting to see if they cancel the next exam cycle or not. With the way the case numbers are looking, I wouldn’t be surprised if they do cancel. 

I was talking with one of the site advertisers (stamps) recently and he stated that the orders this year are real low. He’s glad that it’s a side business. 

It’ll be interesting to see if they cancel the next exam cycle or not. With the way the case numbers are looking, I wouldn’t be surprised if they do cancel. 

I was talking with one of the site advertisers (stamps) recently and he stated that the orders this year are real low. He’s glad that it’s a side business. 
I can see numbers being way down, no testing at all in April, CBT's cancelled for a couple of months, I would think most people who have passed in the last couple months haven't gotten to the license part yet.
