EB Mafia

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Well Engrish is the official language of "NIECES", which is where I'm learnin grammarish.

"If a line to ground fault occurs at point A and fries 2 mafia members, the remaining mafia member at point B is most nearly: 

A.  JayKay

B.  Vhab

C.  A and B

D.  None if the above

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Well Engrish is the official language of "NIECES", which is where I'm learnin grammarish.

"If a line to ground fault occurs at point A and fries 2 mafia members, the remaining mafia member at point B is most nearly: 

A.  JayKay

B.  Vhab

C.  A and B

D.  None if the above
A or D, since vhab is not Mafia, B and C are incorrect.

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You guys will regret this in 6 hours. Just saying. And I know, many mafiosos have gone out saying the same thing, but no, really yall:


Well Engrish is the official language of "NIECES", which is where I'm learnin grammarish.

"If a line to ground fault occurs at point A and fries 2 mafia members, the remaining mafia member at point B is most nearly: 

A.  JayKay

B.  Vhab

C.  A and B

D.  None if the above
Two plus two always makes five

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...I...I don't know.  Wait.  Can a doctor save a mafia person?
I don't see why not.  I mean, if the Dr THINKS they are a good guy and attempt to save them, but then the Mafia wouldn't try to off their own in the night, would they? So it would have to coincide with the mafia not nightkilling, so could be possible, I guess?

I don't see why not.  I mean, if the Dr THINKS they are a good guy and attempt to save them, but then the Mafia wouldn't try to off their own in the night, would they? So it would have to coincide with the mafia not nightkilling, so could be possible, I guess?
Just from modding, if there is a tie between mafia votes or nobody votes, then nobody gets killed (it's why I always tried to make sure at least one mafia person votes).  Is it possible that the mafia were just really bad, remember when this first started and we were all confused about nobody dying.  Has the doctor ever gotten two in a row before?

Just from modding, if there is a tie between mafia votes or nobody votes, then nobody gets killed (it's why I always tried to make sure at least one mafia person votes).  Is it possible that the mafia were just really bad, remember when this first started and we were all confused about nobody dying.  Has the doctor ever gotten two in a row before?
Yes. Several rounds ago I was saved twice in a row by the doctor when I was the cop.  

I don't see why not.  I mean, if the Dr THINKS they are a good guy and attempt to save them, but then the Mafia wouldn't try to off their own in the night, would they? So it would have to coincide with the mafia not nightkilling, so could be possible, I guess?

Sorry to yell, but you're still way up high in a tree, and I don't see you getting down anytime soon.
