EB Mafia

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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You just said you get twitchy when you lie.  Have you been lying?
No. I have not been lying.  I am not mafia, I have not been paying close attention this round, and I DON"T KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON!

None of which are lies.

So, back to voting me out of Ikea.... go ahead. I'm starting to think that YOU are not a clean as Roar indicated.

Day 1 –

Vhab – no vote
Chart – voted for Roar
Jaykay – no vote

Day 2 –

Vhab – voted for Roar
Chart – no vote
Jaykay – voted for Roar

Day 3-

No vote from vhab, chart, or jaykay

Day 4 –

Vhab – voted for Jaykay. Though, interestingly, she made a post previously saying Audi had to be mafia – but didn’t actually vote for Audi
Chart – voted for Jaykay
Jaykay - voted for Audi

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