EB Mafia

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I wrote it in a way to generate a reaction.

@vhab49_PE has been very active in the round, yet claims confusion even at one point claiming to not know whether or not Salty is playing, yet seems honed in on a players "engagedness."

Neither @JayKay PE nor @chart94 have demonstrated actions to make me suspect them above vhab.

@MadamPirate PE I vote for @vhab49_PE, provided I wasn't nightkilled.

Hey friends :)  Since I have (maybe) the luxury of posting after people have gone to sleep, and made their important life choices for the day, and JUST IN CASE I'm getting night targeted today, I'd just like to share some special info.

1. Meesa doktor.
2. Meesa protect Duran Night 1. No deaths reported by mod.
3. Meesa protect txj Night 2. No deaths reported. Meesa very proud.
4. Meesa protect txj Night 3. JP die. Meesa cry a little. 

I would like to put forth that Duran and txj are nearly guaranteed to be town, as they were most likely night targeted nights 1 and 2. 

Excluding Me, TXJ, and Duran, this leaves
Jaykay, Vhab, Chart, one of which is evil. 

I have my suspicions, but I don't want my potential last will and testament to decide that.
If I die tonight, this gives town rather good odds. 😛 If not, We have a decent chance tomorrow, and I potentially die for my pains the following eve. Night!
Thank you for the intel. :)

But let's not quote JarJar anymore :(

I wrote it in a way to generate a reaction.

@vhab49_PE has been very active in the round, yet claims confusion even at one point claiming to not know whether or not Salty is playing, yet seems honed in on a players "engagedness."

Neither @JayKay PE nor @chart94 have demonstrated actions to make me suspect them above vhab.

@MadamPirate PE I vote for @vhab49_PE, provided I wasn't nightkilled.
Tis a mistake. I am a townie.

I don't know that I would say I've been any more or less active this round than in previous ones, (except the one where I legit forgot I was playing that week.) And the only person I have claimed to be more engaged was Audi, and that is not a hard one to claim, typically he does not do anything but complain.  He seemed to actually play this round.

AND I never said anything about Salty (I'd have voted for him every round), it was Chart, and I hadn't seen him post anything in a while, so the "is he even playing" was kind of a joke.

The effective convergence of the "yes I'm mafia" strategy with actually being mafia and surviving is exceeding rare. It takes multiple rounds of buildup as a townie claiming to be mafia, the luck of the draw to get chosen as mafia at the right time, and effective play that round.

We just witnessed something special. I kinda wish Audi would have survived until the end.

@Audi driver, P.E. 

View attachment 16938

...and now it won't work again for a long time. LOL
Witnessed something special?  I voted for myself twice, and my second vote thankfully got me out of this game.

First things first:

@tj_PE walked into Children's, and was immediately drawn to a tiny sofa. "Look, my cats could use this!" @chart94 sat down on top of a STUVA/FRITIDS toychest/bench combo, and crossed his arms and rolled his eyes while @tj_PE extolled the virtues of tiny furniture for tiny furry overlords. He crossed one ankle over the other knee, and noticed something... dark on the bottom of his brand new white kicks. He touched it, and it was a little tacky. He looked down between his crossed legs and saw a pool of blood slowly seeping out of the toy chest. @chart94 stood and pulled open the drawer, revealing @Roarbark's body stuffed inside.

@Roarbark was lynched by the mafia.

Remaining players: @txjennah PE @JayKay PE @chart94 @DuranDuran @vhab49_PE

Tis a mistake. I am a townie.

I don't know that I would say I've been any more or less active this round than in previous ones, (except the one where I legit forgot I was playing that week.) And the only person I have claimed to be more engaged was Audi, and that is not a hard one to claim, typically he does not do anything but complain.  He seemed to actually play this round.

AND I never said anything about Salty (I'd have voted for him every round), it was Chart, and I hadn't seen him post anything in a while, so the "is he even playing" was kind of a joke.
Care to change your story?
