EB Mafia

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As the group entered Bedroom Storage, @tj_PE got tired of @Audi driver, P.E.'s whining that his feet hurt, he was tired, are we there yet? I'm hungry! She misdirected the rest of the group to look at a very fancy ELVARI system, asking them to check for ALL of the color options. While the group's back was turned, she shoved @Audi driver, P.E. into a PAX wardrobe, tied the doors shut, and then grabbed the group, announcing loudly that she didn't need closet organization after all.
I like the Odda wardrobe better. I had one of those in my first apartment.


The effective convergence of the "yes I'm mafia" strategy with actually being mafia and surviving is exceeding rare. It takes multiple rounds of buildup as a townie claiming to be mafia, the luck of the draw to get chosen as mafia at the right time, and effective play that round.

We just witnessed something special. I kinda wish Audi would have survived until the end.

@Audi driver, P.E. 

View attachment 16938

...and now it won't work again for a long time. LOL

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Hey friends :)  Since I have (maybe) the luxury of posting after people have gone to sleep, and made their important life choices for the day, and JUST IN CASE I'm getting night targeted today, I'd just like to share some special info.

1. Meesa doktor.
2. Meesa protect Duran Night 1. No deaths reported by mod.
3. Meesa protect txj Night 2. No deaths reported. Meesa very proud.
4. Meesa protect txj Night 3. JP die. Meesa cry a little. 

I would like to put forth that Duran and txj are nearly guaranteed to be town, as they were most likely night targeted nights 1 and 2. 

Excluding Me, TXJ, and Duran, this leaves
Jaykay, Vhab, Chart, one of which is evil. 

I have my suspicions, but I don't want my potential last will and testament to decide that.
If I die tonight, this gives town rather good odds. 😛 If not, We have a decent chance tomorrow, and I potentially die for my pains the following eve. Night!

If you want the town to lose, vote for me. But I AM a townie.  And no, I did not vote on Monday, which I get make me look suspicious, but I flubbed the time change. I need to put an alarm on my phone.

And no, I didn't vote for FNG on Tuesday, but it was covered, and had the voting swayed away from him, I was prepared to switch my vote.

I really just suck at this game and don't have the time to devote to really paying attention right now.
I def understand. I have been so disengaged the past several cycles that I'm grateful people still want to play with me.

.......still on my suspish list though.

Hey friends :)  Since I have (maybe) the luxury of posting after people have gone to sleep, and made their important life choices for the day, and JUST IN CASE I'm getting night targeted today, I'd just like to share some special info.

1. Meesa doktor.
2. Meesa protect Duran Night 1. No deaths reported by mod.
3. Meesa protect txj Night 2. No deaths reported. Meesa very proud.
4. Meesa protect txj Night 3. JP die. Meesa cry a little. 

I would like to put forth that Duran and txj are nearly guaranteed to be town, as they were most likely night targeted nights 1 and 2. 

Excluding Me, TXJ, and Duran, this leaves
Jaykay, Vhab, Chart, one of which is evil. 

I have my suspicions, but I don't want my potential last will and testament to decide that.
If I die tonight, this gives town rather good odds. 😛 If not, We have a decent chance tomorrow, and I potentially die for my pains the following eve. Night!
