EB Mafia

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Sorry, I missed this question on Friday.  My thoughts... are not clear at all.  

Townie ++

I did not get a PM, this leads me to believe I am a townie.

Townie +

Neutral/Not enough info for impression


@chart94 Is he even playing?


Mafia +

@JayKay PE 

@txjennah PE suspish of me, thus I suspish of her.


@Audi driver, P.E. gotta be. 
I voted with RB on the first night and voted out Mafia the second day, so should be pretty clear I'm a townie at this point. You skipped the vote Monday and didn't vote for Mafia second day, even though RB made it pretty clear @ryankon518 was Mafia based on his post.

@MadamPirate PE I vote for @vhab49_PE

If you want the town to lose, vote for me. But I AM a townie.  And no, I did not vote on Monday, which I get make me look suspicious, but I flubbed the time change. I need to put an alarm on my phone.

And no, I didn't vote for FNG on Tuesday, but it was covered, and had the voting swayed away from him, I was prepared to switch my vote.

I really just suck at this game and don't have the time to devote to really paying attention right now.

What do the stars mean?
They were my best guesses for Maf at the time, but may have changed since then.

@MadamPirate PE I vote for @JayKay PE for now.

If you are unsure about your neutrals, take a glance at vote history if you have a chance. Not exact science, but there's some telling info there this round. (*Self promotion asterisk, since vote history helps me). Anyhoo, I'm pretty high confidence that txj is town side.

@JayKay PE, what do you think of @Audi driver, P.E..... And Vice versa, I suppose. Makes this a little more complicated 😛 

They were my best guesses for Maf at the time, but may have changed since then.

@MadamPirate PE I vote for @JayKay PE for now.

If you are unsure about your neutrals, take a glance at vote history if you have a chance. Not exact science, but there's some telling info there this round. (*Self promotion asterisk, since vote history helps me). Anyhoo, I'm pretty high confidence that txj is town side.

@JayKay PE, what do you think of @Audi driver, P.E..... And Vice versa, I suppose. Makes this a little more complicated 😛 
I don't give two buckets of piss.

I went back and looked at voting history in addition to any clues.  

I can build a case for and against @chart94, @JayKay PE and @vhab49_PE.  

Normally I would suspect @JayKay PE above all three, but I've been wrong about her before, so I'm kind of at a loss currently.

@MadamPirate PE I vote for @Audi driver, P.E. since that's what he wants anyway.









As the group entered Bedroom Storage, @tj_PE got tired of @Audi driver, P.E.'s whining that his feet hurt, he was tired, are we there yet? I'm hungry! She misdirected the rest of the group to look at a very fancy ELVARI system, asking them to check for ALL of the color options. While the group's back was turned, she shoved @Audi driver, P.E. into a PAX wardrobe, tied the doors shut, and then grabbed the group, announcing loudly that she didn't need closet organization after all.

@Audi driver, P.E. was mafia.

Remaining players: @txjennah PE @JayKay PE @chart94 @Roarbark @DuranDuran @vhab49_PE
