EB Mafia

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By golly, they're alive!? I was prepping some pretty farfetched plays to try to get through this.

(Strikethrough by Roarbark)

If what you each said is true, we just pared the list down to 3. @tj_PE I vote for @chart94
I am not Mafia. Last night I had a feeling it was either Cheby or chart who were Maf, and I gambled with Chebs (I'm sorry!). I already realized that I did wrong and voted for chart today. Honestly, I think it's Chart, Square, and Roar. 


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Maybe the JOAT that said I'm clean can share what investigation they did on me.
"Honestly" either way, best path is to vote for the mafia which we are certain about first.
(edit: 3/5 goth darnit, I keep forgetting to add these)

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Except for the parts where I'm dead. ...and it looks like I might have whiffed on @MadamPirate PE again.

I'm going to be out in the field all afternoon (My time), so probably won't be active vote time unless I'm on my phone.
(Frickin. 4/5)

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It's only a matter of who is still alive when the town wins.
Not you unfortunately. Luckily your ghost voice reverberated from valhalla, calling the still-living JOAT claimants to spring into action. (5/5)
If it's any consolation, your "whiff" led to a pretty positive read before the JOATs came out to play. 

(Edit: My brain is the size of a peanut, and I have the memory of a non-mutant goldfish. 5/5)
(Edit 2: Wait, I actually #ed it above there before I added more. See first edit about memory.)

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Since we have the mafia nailed down pretty much are we going to play through the weekend or postpone it till Monday? I only ask now cause at 5 I'm going to take the doors and top off the jeep and go find a cold beer to drink. I probably wont be back tonight.

Since we have the mafia nailed down pretty much are we going to play through the weekend or postpone it till Monday? I only ask now cause at 5 I'm going to take the doors and top off the jeep and go find a cold beer to drink. I probably wont be back tonight.
Or the mafia could just surrender now to avoid the death penalty


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@tj_PE is there a deserted island or leper colony in animal crossing we can exhile mafia to? 

Well, if MP is mafia, she hasn't given up, so it feels wrong to pull a fast forward. 
(Or vice versa if JOAT claim was wrong, and MP is telling the truth and I'm mafia, then I haven't given up, and it feels wrong to pull a fast forward.)


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Maybe the JOAT that said I'm clean can share what investigation they did on me.
"Honestly" either way, best path is to vote for the mafia which we are certain about first.
(edit: 3/5 goth darnit, I keep forgetting to add these)
Tracked player did not use a night action.

Not you unfortunately. Luckily your ghost voice reverberated from valhalla, calling the still-living JOAT claimants to spring into action. (5/5)
If it's any consolation, your "whiff" led to a pretty positive read before the JOATs came out to play. 

(Edit: My brain is the size of a peanut, and I have the memory of a non-mutant goldfish. 5/5)
(Edit 2: Wait, I actually #ed it above there before I added more. See first edit about memory.)
I never know when the right time to reveal my role is.  I was trying to drop hints.  I trust JP, I felt Roar was clean.

i will not be playing over the weekend, fyi. so, chaos or sleeps. 
