EB Mafia

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I'm going to go ahead and say that JP has to be mafia. Either him or Chart. 

Post (2/5)

So my deductions....

I am not Mafia. I PROMISE!

MP Has been super busy with work, but that is also a really good cover that has been used before.

Salty is working on a boat.

JayKay took a mental health day yesterday.

Square SAYS he is Mafia.  

I am getting good vibes from JP, not feeling mafia this time.

Roar was no more or less present yesterday than normal.

So that leaves Chart. 

Change my mind.

**None of these are real reason why someone is or is not mafia.

I'm not mafia, so that means 2 people are suspicious of @chart94. I'm giving up on thinking and following the crowd.

@tj_PE I vote for @chart94

Still hoping for some JOAT insights.


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Good morning!

Today should be less stressful, I'm back to the substation project today and through the weekend. Boo for working on the weekend though. 

Scrolling back and catching up, brb.


👻 It's do or die day for the town. JoATs needs to help out. Unless the mafia got lucky by taking out both on nights 2 an 3, there is no excuse for the silence 👻
I mean. JP is clean. And So is Roar. AND SO AM I!!!!

Oh, and also, so was DuranDuran, but obv...

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I was not a JoAT, so I cannot provide any further insight to the current situation other than to state the mafia only killed off a Redneck Mafia townie.

