EB Mafia

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Firstly, this game as a normal townie is hard. I'm finding myself relying on priors to try to piece things together. That's fine when you've been playing with the same group for a year. But I won't have that to rely in the tournament next week. I'm glad that I'm realizing this now, and not midgame, so that I can start adapting my strategies.

Next, we're starting to get to a point where there are enough posts that I/we can start parsing through previous in-round posts and votes. I'm stuck in training through 1600, and then have a bunch of "urgent" BS busy-work that must get done by the end of the day. So I won't have a chance to do major deep dives until after 1800.

With that said, based on "tells" I am inclined to believe that the following players are townies (pending deeper analysis).

The following players are ambiguous and will be the first to get a deep dive later today.

I have no opinion on the following players, and will attempt to scrutinize their posts later for clues

None of the above should be treated as more than a hunch.

