EB Mafia

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Speculation has always been fine in my book, but revealing role/information found before death after the player is dead is not.
Yeah, I'd be fine saying random ghosty speculatory things, but I'd personally shy away from any in-depth analysis/try-hard speculation posts til after. That's what I've been doing so far.

hmmmm JK seems pretty confident here. For now, im trusting JK and voting for @ChebyshevII PE @tj_PE. Based on the fact that last round JK knew alot and didnt say but kept dropping cryptic hints like this. 5/5
Ah yes, the most cryptic of hints, such as "_____ is town"., and "_____ is mafia".


Just clarifying! No need to be so otterly offended. It's not me though. 

I have one small evidence/argument against me being Mafia, but it's circumstantial/not the strongest. 
Calling it "circumstantial" gives it too much credit.
But... I didn't even say anything yet 😛.
I just meant I hadn't actually made any claims yet. @ChebyshevII PE@vhab49_PE who seem to think I'm mafia.

Yesterday there was (I think) a 3 way tie, with me on chopping block. I had not voted, and did not vote.
DuranDuran voted to break this tie. The person he voted to lynch (Lycee I believe) ended up being town. Duran was then night killed. 
I was active when time was called. If I were mafia I would have changed the night kill from Duran to someone else, since Duran's tie-breaking vote TO a townie makes him look suspicious/mafia side. 

Like I said, circumstantial.

Edit: (2/5, for management's benefit)

Last edited by a moderator:
I just meant I hadn't actually made any claims yet. @ChebyshevII PE@vhab49_PE who seem to think I'm mafia.

Yesterday there was (I think) a 3 way tie, with me on chopping block. I had not voted, and did not vote.
DuranDuran voted to break this tie. The person he voted to lynch (Lycee I believe) ended up being town. Duran was then night killed. 
I was active when time was called. If I were mafia I would have changed the night kill from Duran to someone else, since Duran's tie-breaking vote TO a townie makes him look suspicious/mafia side. 

Like I said, circumstantial.

Edit: (2/5, for management's benefit)
Indeed, circumstantial. You are still on my suspect list, but not as high as the other people I already mentioned.
