EB Mafia

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There are 10 players left. 7 town and 3 mafia.

If both JoATs are alive, then they could have investigated up to four different players. Between overlap, nightkills, and lynches there could be anywhere from 0-4 known townies in the mix. With two JoATs, that makes up to potentially 6 known townies. With 7 townies remaining, that's ball game right there.

Of course, its possible that the investigations yielded mixed results (ex: @RBHeadge PE motion detecting @MadamPirate PE last round. sorry MP.) or found mafia. That makes things more difficult.

We, the town, ideally need to get a mafia tonight. If we do then its likely 6-2 tomorrow morning. That's buys us another day and gives us some good data to examine from previous nights. 

If we don't then it will likely be 5 town and 3 mafia in the morning - thus making Friday night our last chance. I recommend that unless we bag a mafia tonight that the JoAT(s) reveal the information they know tomorrow to increase the town odds.

note: the above assumes that the doctor action is unsuccessful. Which it usually is without better information.

I’m assuming rbh is mafia


Our EB house rules specifically allow anyone (alive, dead, or spectator) to speculate in this thread. Except as mentioned above, you can not share your role or information learned from that role not already mentioned when alive. Some dead players elect to not speak about the game after they are killed. 

I'm not sure how the tournament operates post death. I don't recall seeing any rules about it, but I'm going to err on the side of caution and assume that I can't discuss anything post death. 

BTW, the tourney starts for me at 8PM on Monday.
I registered for discord... have no clue what i am doing.


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