EB Mafia

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Fuck it. If yall kill me then yall kill me. In the current political climate, I feel compelled to vote with my conscience.

@tj_PE I vote for @ChebyshevII PE
I definitely deserve that. My actions have definitely been more chaotic this round. Maybe it's because I'm back to work and trying to find my new normal. That, and this is my first time playing the new rules, not counting the times I died the first night.

Ok, so, obviously I’m a little off the rails here. Partially because of work (especially the task I’m working on right now), and partially because I’m just not sure how to prove to you all that I am townie.

It is radical, but my hope was that my change of vote would help you all see that I am not maf. What advantage would there be for myself or the other mafs for me to change my vote just to put myself on the chopping block?

if i change cheb... and thats a big IF, who do you think?
Honestly, I think it’s a tad too early to say for sure. And I’d rather not use my gut again.

I’m gonna guess that @Roarbark and @MadamPirate PE are not maf because they are not meeting their post count (but that’s the only thing I have on them right now).

I’m tempted to vote either @RBHeadge PE, @JayKay PE, or @chart94, based on VERY limited evidence and suspicions.
