EB Mafia

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Goth darnit! 

@tj_PE for now I would like to let my vote for @Roarbark ride.

Also. Kitten has slid in the hole three times and is still sleeping.


The rest of them are running around like hellions and trying to eat my feet.

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on AC there's a ghost that you scare and then you have to gather his ghost excrement scattered about the island and return it to him. 


I Made an epic beard for this last GISH. :)
Yups, I knew SOMEONE on here had to know about it. One of you crochety folks. You did the beard crochet one? :D

Hmm...I’m now suspicious of @Roarbark again.
Cause of RB's list, or your own hunches? I thought Duran might know something since he changed to Lycee late, breaking a tie, and said something cryptic about chess moves. However Lycee was town, and Duran is now dead, and can't really answer my question about why he changed. Actually a little weird that he got killed imo.  

Goth darnit! 

@tj_PE for now I would like to let my vote for @Roarbark ride.

Also. Kitten has slid in the hole three times and is still sleeping.


The rest of them are running around like hellions and trying to eat my feet.
Have you been walking on salmon or other tasty smelling (to cat-hellions) things? 

it's like pieces of ghost but looks like lil semen tadpoles that are white and glowy
When you shine a blacklight on them?


@ChebyshevII PE

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