EB Mafia

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Ooh that looks interesting.  What is that?  Doesn't prove anything though.
It's a utility model that I've been glued to for the past two weeks. Meeting with the Client about our results on Thursday. Which is why I got distracted last night, I was on the phone with my senior engineer until right before vote time. 


It's a utility model that I've been glued to for the past two weeks. Meeting with the Client about our results on Thursday. Which is why I got distracted last night, I was on the phone with my senior engineer until right before vote time. 
A sincerely likely story. Windmills you said? That seems like a pretty big network.
Google isn't finding any programs called WindMil

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Here's an example of off-normal behavior. @ChebyshevII PE claimed townie status without a prompt on the first day this round. That's something that he rarely does. Does it mean anything? IDK? @Roarbark did it for the first time last round too, and he was a townie. 

I've got no leads on this round. Typically RB doesn't come out with game analysis until later in the game but with this being Tourney rules I can see the need to change strategy there. Both RB and Duran are trying to suss out clues to peoples posting patterns but again thats been pretty common lately with Durans spreadsheets. 

I think we need to look at the votes. One of the people that voted for NikR is most likely mafia. That's all I've got to go off of at the moment. 

(Potential) Mafia list




Post (3/5)

This round I'm going to vote for JP for bashing on me AND being on The List!

@tj_PE I vote for @jean15paul_PE


Post (5/5)

@tj_PE I think I’ma jump on the “I trust jp” bandwagon for now. I change my vote to @Roarbark
I'm catching up on the thread... interesting posts above.

  • I actually really like @SaltySteve theory that someone who voted for @NikR_PE is mafia. And I know it's not me, so that leaves @chart94 and @ChebyshevII PE.
  • When I combine that with @RBHeadge PE observation that @ChebyshevII PE is acting differently by claim townieness unprovoked, I was all ready to vote for Cheby.
  • But I'm torn between that and voting for self-preservation, which would have me pile on @Roarbark
  • I do like this "I trust JP" movement that is growning. LOL
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