EB Mafia

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The 'good' people of Mafeyette assemble at the town hall to discuss the rampant crime plaguing their fair town.

The thing is though, that no-one knows the source of the crime, or those in the the know aren't willing to speak up. @ChebyshevII_PE covers his eyes and randomly points at @leggo PE suggesting that she is the source of their ills. @NikR notices @ChaosMuppetPE sleeping and volunteers him leave town to "run the Tulsa office". 

The mayor pulls out the Coin of Justice. Heads is for @leggo PE, tails is for @ChaosMuppetPE. The coin is tossed three times.

Heads, Tails, Heads
The town lynched

@leggo PE. She was a regular townie.
Not my @leggo PE!  How dare you!

@NikR decides to get some dinner after the night's lynching. He goes to his favorite saloon "The Laundry", the one right under the El train. He sits alone at a table for two, and orders a deep dish pizza and a couple pints of goose island. Halfway through his meal he overhears the bartender tell a salesman that "the green beer your peddling just ain't any good. I ain't buyin' any". At the same time, a man in a crisp white suit end of the end of the bar starts fiddling with something in his breifcase, looks at his watch, chugs the rest of his beer and sprints out of the bar. @NikR spots that the white-suit left his bag at the bar. Since he's an upstanding citizen he grabs the bag and runs outside after the man shouting "Hey mister, mister, mister, hey mister, wait, mister wait, you forgot your briefcase!"

And that's when the bomb exploded.

@NikR was killed during the night.

(All storytelling is mine David Mamet and Brian De Palma, and should not be taken as hints)

The remaining players are:

@ChaosMuppetPE, @Roarbark, @ChebyshevII_PE, @chart94, @JayKay0914, @vhab49_PE, @tj_PE, @Audi driver, P.E.

I meant to but then lost track of time, and then was commuting home on my bike (bicycle) when 6 pm arrived.
I understand, I'm just sad :( I had a fiasco commute situation as well and then was like OMG it's 6!

I meant to but then lost track of time, and then was commuting home on my bike (bicycle) when 6 pm arrived.
Awesome, how far is your commute? I go all of 1.2 miles (one way) every morning.

@NikRThey didn't vote because they were obvs mafia.  *squinty eyes*
says the person who didn't vote.
