EB Mafia

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Trying to divert attention ehhhh??

Also @vhab49_PE has said 3 people have sounded suspicious so far.. is it coincidental or something far more sinister? Like trying to figure who to send “sleeping with the fishes” first??
It was meant to be "You sound suspicious", like you suspected someone.  Not like I suspected them.

Also @vhab49_PE has said 3 people have sounded suspicious so far.. is it coincidental or something far more sinister? Like trying to figure who to send “sleeping with the fishes” first??

@Roarbark ultra suspicious saying you're not mafia when you always have been!?!?!!?!  MAFIOSO?

All mafia hunting aside, you guys need to see this (I am crying at my desk at this monstrosity, i luv it so much):


I want a waffle.

But not really.  

I am however getting a massage and an adjustment tonight, after doing my upper body workout.  Could have done the workout after the massage and adjustment, but have learned the hard way that does not work out so well.
Aha, an alibi...

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